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Everything posted by XB-70A
It's not my case and I could not believe I'm alone. I was about to start to scratch a MBT, probably a Challenger or a Chieftain but your Iowa makes me want to realize a battleship instead... The last days I decide to jump back to the past in aviation and the forgotten conflicts : A Republic P-47D Thunderbolt of the Força Aérea Brasileira diving while firing its rockets to the German positions in Italy. A Blackburn Buccaneer S.50 from the 24 Squadron of the South African Air Force is firing one of its Matra AS.30 wire-guided missiles to a position of the South West Africa People's Organization guerilleros during the 80's. A Fiat G.91R/4 Gina from the 702 Squadron Escorpioes (Scorpions) of the Força Aérea Portuguese attacking a vehicles convoy of the Frente de Libertação de Mozambique (Mozambique Liberation Front) during the Mozambican War of Independence in 68. A Shenyang J-8IIF Finback-B of the People's Liberation Army Air Force climbing at full thrust for an interception. I got the envy to make it after having reread the famous citation given to Napoleon I "Laissez donc la Chine dormir, car lorsque la Chine s'éveillera le monde entier tremblera" ("Let China sleep, for when she wakes up she will shake the world").
Thank you for such a compliment Indeed the practice really helps (by the way, I must have to write that it took me 5 minutes and a jump on urban dictionary to understand what "amirate" was...) and the return of the scribble's love. It would probably has not been possible without coming here to look at all the others artwork. And without @NSEP who made me discover deviantart by sharing the link here. Also I remember you share one of your work with a Diamond Star some times ago, so here is my way to thank you : "Triple Oscar" was one of the two DA40NG of the air club I was flying. It's here in its original livery but with the Austrian flag of Diamond Aircraft instead of the club's logo.
To be honest I will be willing to bet a ball that even the ESA would not want to place a civilian in this position. It is logic to me when the different space programs begun, of course who in the 50's to 60's were already trained to those extreme conditions if not the fighters pilots. Probably not the guys (sturdy anyway) flying between the turbulences in multi-piston engines. But at the end of the 80's I can not doubt that a good number of civilians could have been capable after the same rough training in flight onboard simulators and the couple of G-II.
That still is not a sufficient reason for such a strict selection (to me, of course). In my own experience of flying pieces of c..p made of wood, tissues and powered by something you can hardly call a performant engine I've met in years different persons on the fields. One of them, an active instructor on "Super Etendard" in the French Navy found a way to broke two times the front landing gear of our airclub Aquila A 210. He probably thought to be at the landing on an aircraft carrier... and still he can't be the sole in the world.
I hope so. I was more than doubtfully of them at their beginning but not reluctant. The fact that they have revived a share of interest in space for the general public must be considered. Equally important for me is the highlight of the civilians in a sector still too much dominated by the militaries. The fact that any STS pilot was a military or ex-military is not justifiable to me (even more at the end of the program). On the other side, I simply can't support and even h.a.t.e those kind of TV shows with sometime stupid comments made by presenter. Without whistling or howls at every launch. But here they make it out too by proposing a channel without any comments.
I made some others in calm during the last days (a great advantage to be off). Dassault MD.450B Ouragan over the Sinai. 7 September 1965, Indo-Pakistani War : a Dassault MD.454 Mystère IVA of the Indian Air Force shot down a Lockheed F-104A Starfighter of the Pakistan Air Force a really low altitude. In reality this duel has well taken place, the Starfighter pilot just falling into the trap of a dogfighting at very low altitude, where the Mystère despite his age, dominated it in maniability. After some time to chase each others the F-104A was shot down by the Indian pilot. The Pakistani pilot got the time to eject and survived, but his Indian adversary never landed back and was considered as killed-in-action, probably being the victim of the damages taken during the encounter. In some kind of irony the same Pakistani pilot was credited the day before of a kill over an IAF Mystère IVA that he shot down with an AIM-9 Sidewinder missile. Persians warriors in their Tomcat 15 April 1994, Bosnian War : the Capitaine de corvette (Lieutenant commander) Pierre Clary from the Flotille 16.F of the French Navy Aviation got hit by a surface-to-air missile during a reconnaissance flight over the city of Goražde in Bosnia-Herzegovina onboard the Dassault ''Etendard'' IVPM no.115. The SAM tore off an important part of its horizontal stabilizer and heavily damaged the vertical one making the aircraft almost non-maneuverable. Despite those important damages the Lt Cmdr Clary kept the control of his ''Etendard'' and landed it back on the French aircraft carrier ''Clemenceau'' (R98) being in station in the Adriatic Sea. January 1991, Iraq : the Panavia Tornado GR.1 registered ZA447 of the Royal Air Force No.15 Squadron is penetrating the Iraqi airspace at the dunes crest during Operation Granby, the British participation of Desert Storm.Nicknamed ''MiG Eater'' this aircraft was thought to have destroyed an Iraqi Air Force Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-29A Fulcrum-A, whilst completing an airfield denial mission, over Iraq. It was later discovered that it was actually a Dassault Mirage F1EQ. I'm working on some French Jaguar-A over Iraq too.
Those last days were devoted to some coloring... A Dassault Super Mystère B.2 of the French Air Force is passing at full speed by the famous lighthouse of La Jument out of the island of Ushant in the 60's. Totally fictitious, somewhere over the Yellow Sea : a Lockheed A-12 Oxcart modified in a M-21 is about to release its D-21 drone for a mach 3 reconnaissance flight over the People's Republic of China.
That is E-VO-LU-TION ! More seriously, that video will go so nice in a "Knight Rider" episode.
totm aug 2023 What funny/interesting thing happened in your life today?
XB-70A replied to Ultimate Steve's topic in The Lounge
You just make me discover there was that English version of the song. As a kid they were always playing the original German version. How not to forget those beautiful lyrics, kind of "Neinenarh arch lurftballons such yhrem Wag zoom Horizonte" and Nena voice... so, mmmh... so... so 90's yes! -
Finished those ones during the morning : Today was really F-111s centered in my minds...
The flies had a different idea of it :
As it not precise what kind of "jet" engines it's about in the video, it's not totally wrong. A rocket engine is a member of the jets just as turbojet, ramjet, pulse and all the others of that great family.
I was off the whole day and get some time to dedicate to my favorite childhood Hero, I want of course to talk about THE LAW! @Pine Nice to see you back since Thursday!
I always liked the HS 748. Being a really small child one of them was still flying near the airport of my grandparents village and was passing over the house pretty often. Just like the Fokker F-27 of our national postal service which were starting before dawn, their RR Dart melody was exceptional. Such a powerful and musical whistling!
Thank you. To me everything comes from the black around Soyuz, it's hard with the thin point to make a proper and harmonious coloring as each passage and layer added over another makes it darker and you enter into the trap to add more and more to balance them but the final results remains "dirty". Even without forcing and by going as smoothly as possible this will happen (sigh). I should invest in greasy and larger point pencils. Oh, a good way to honor the ancestor of all the modern twin-wide bodies. Even more as it's the very first prototype you made here Today I came back to aviation and tried to not went as a savage with the coloring pencil by honoring an aircraft ignored most of the time but pretty well advanced for its times : 1958 : The Lavochkin La-250A Anakonda prototype 04-Red is scrambling to the sky for its tries. The 04 was the last of the prototypes made and was transferred to the Monino museum in 1967. It lost the competition against the Tupolev Tu-28 Fiddler for a long-range all-weather heavy interceptor.
Wow thanks, I never expected the museum thread to appear in that list It seems there is some boat and ships lovers around here and I got pictures of a Canadian museum to share too.
Just made it some hours ago : 3 April 2014 : Soyuz STA ejects its boosters while keep on leveling out of Kourou with Sentinel-1A onboard during the VS07 flight. I was so disappointed by the result that I regretted not having left it in black and white at first.
Interesting representation of the destiny, this human concept of an existence "straight line" appears here as messy as possible and constituted of numerous choices, all different. But joining each others and merging in a final way. Now it's my interpretation of it, but I like the fact that the "final way" appears to be at a strict 90 degrees angle of the horizontal lines. Like if the merging was the final escape from the disorder ruling all around.
I stopped school at 21 years old and kept such a bitter memory of the whole system. The main problem to me? The placement of the average line of knowledge at such a low level that the first of the idiot could be able to succeed. How saint and good for these poor guys you could think. But it was more a trap that anything else... how could we not be bothered by such a bad program and therefore be effective? Worse yet, that kind of program can obviously not work. The imbeciles remained imbeciles and those who hoped better were bored and therefore did nothing at school. And the good grades then? Well, they proved that you were just capable of thinking like an imbecile. The perfect example to me is the first year of philosophy: it was possible to deal with all kinds of subjects, but only and solely by basing your thinking on the works of a recognized philosopher! And still, only the famous ones. - You see my child, you have the right to develop your mind of course, but only by using another minds. - Do you mean we can't think by ourselves? - No, but yes. It is unnecessary to specify the general imbecility of which my generation is suffering today.
Stratojet. It was the aircraft I got locked into the head yesterday... but I was pretty disappointed by the result : So I just made another one today, more precise this time : An RB-47H of the SAC on its way to the North Vietnam for an electronic intelligence flight during the RB-47s last operative campaign in September 1967.
Found them on the lovely Reddit page "Crappy Design" : 000 James Dung : The Dung is not Enough Then the BEST about police : http://www.bonifaypolice.com/ the official Bonifay Police Department website, a true master piece.
Fear the Bear! A Tupolev Tu-95MS Bear-H is patrolling over its territory of the Barents Sea. I past the two last days in an hospital, again... and now I'm without the possibility to walk for the next three days. In that condition the scribbles become a good way to get free.
It happens to me but not for the same reasons as I used to "modifie" a lot the .txt file of my games (...). On day I decided to make all of the factions friendly, bandits and military included, for fun but also to kill all of them quickly after. So the Duty "Get out of here stalker" made it to me too while he was a friendly. For another reason one of the faction opened fire at me while they were theoretically friendly but I can't remember which one... maybe the mercenaries or these &%#@! of the Monolith.
I got exactly the same disturbing problem in the Dark Valley (version of Clear Sky) for long minutes, then the Controller was walking under the warehouse, just where the door the the X-18 laboratory is. But the most disturbing "bug" with one of them was in SoC. I was in the Duty base when the alert of an Emission went off, went to the bar for shelter then once everything was over the place was invaded of mutants! There was more than one controller an army of snorks and some bloodsuckers. They killed a lot of peoples in the camps and when everything was over I thinked it was a great occasion to make some money by reselling all of their stuff... until I discovered they (controller probably) killed the barman and some of the Duty guys who usually were in the no-weapons area. I had to reload an old save after that...