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Everything posted by XB-70A

  1. I would be careful if I was living close to Vanamonde...
  2. Another test. 43 (-1) Edit: @GRS, seems like it's working again.
  3. Anyway... 43 - --- That's what I'm seeing too. I already saw it in the past, pretty often to be honest. It almost seems like the account is posting automatically if your staying on the page for a "long" time without refreshing it. 43 - --- Here we go! I cannot post anymore, it's merging the replies once again. Something seems to be broken. I keep receiving "New Reply" alerts while nothing is happening.
  4. What the?! I did not even made any inputs with my keyboard?!
  5. 33 - Those musical links are interesting in terms of psychological warfare.
  6. Introducing the solution. Independence Reliability Efficiency* *Graphite not include.
  7. "But, but... the MONEY! Think about the MONEY!" Seriously, energy companies can be the worst.
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