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  1. k i will be more direct [1.3] Collision FX v3.2 (2017-03-09) Now with biome coloured dust! it supose to be [1.2.2 / 1.3] Collision FX v4.0 Now with biome coloured dust! last version what you have is i say agen > 4.0 < NOT > 3.2 <acording your OP & your github confusion confusion but noo bigie
  2. Some little confusing info Title it say => [1.3] Collision FX v3.2 (2017-03-09) Now with biome coloured dust! => OP & github say last version is "Collision FX v4.0" what acording changelog is compatible with 1.2.2 noo bigie but what is what that is ze question? cheers
  3. yes i am play on 1080p & downscale in OBS to 720p for recording end in smaller file & gz for your new video card then
  4. you can see framerate in video what i post is on top near altimeter aka around 20-40 p.s. my advice is to get a model from asus, msi, gigabyte at list it realy matter who was build
  5. my video card is GeForce® GTX 1060 WINDFORCE OC 3G & i am happy with, probabil was better to get that version with 6G Vram but hell difference it was to high ... in rest for a medium budget is a great GPU https://www.gigabyte.com/Graphics-Card/GV-N1060WF2OC-3GD#sp soo video what you was seen was done with this rig: Motherboard: Gigabyte Z77X-UD3H CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-3570 CPU @ 3.40GHz Gigabyte Geforce GTX 1060 OC Windforce, 3 GB, 192-bit RAM: 2 x 4 GB Corsair Vengeance Pro Red Hdd Seagate 1 TB 7200, SATA3 OS: Windows 7 Service Pack 1 (6.1.7601) 64bit Framerate was show by SmallUtilities FPSViewer mod done by SpaceTiger
  6. well i was play with 0.3.1 release what was work fine for me for testing & i know at this point till scatterer is not came with new proper release for 1.3, see that texture flying bug, all visual pack are on stand by, i already take new dll from blackrack github & test it but i think it require new shaders to .... but till he will not say is ready we need to be patience p.s. small sugestion try add a AVD.version file to let ppls & you track release what you set up
  7. @Matchlight one thing try to update DistantObject from your pack you have 1.8.1 when is up 1.9.0 aka check https://github.com/MOARdV/DistantObject/releases
  8. @Matchlight framerate it can be push much more IF is disable from Scatterer > Ocean: lights compatibility < but then water it will not reflect light what it will brake pleasure to fly in night i activate that intentionally, normal for who not care about fly close to water it not worth to keep that active
  9. Hello there a small issue: Dependency: > Kopernicus = Link broken "Invalid thread: 114649" cheers
  10. @Phineas Freak sorry I don't have time to spend now with more detail, because I am busy with a death in the family, but according print screen what i already posted, "Rt = 6461153.5" value sugest by @Gaest resolve Earth blue bug the only bad part is citylight ... anyway i am out to deal with fun part from real life ... cheers
  11. For curiosity what more exactly it was purchase & from were? coz from my experience all visual pack are base on one think aka NASA picture what are free or let say most are free for not commercial purpose usage ... i am not speaking about work done after or final result get after was take 1 picture from Nasa & modified for a specific goal I am asking this coz i was looking on most visual pack what was out & most i can say "most" have same thing with diferite variation rotate 90 clock wise, mirored, moved 3 cm to left ... removed something ... but all have same origin p.s. this not means i want to blame or point finger to anyone is stealing or cheating or brake intellectual copyright ...nop is just a simple question & i not want any to get offended ... each brush, each color, each change is a source of inspiration for someone or something who want to play with imagination cheers
  12. value check & set = yup it fix problem bye bye blue planet & welcome back our dear earth with continent, land \o/ (under dx11 switch run) i check this time 1499999, 999999, 899999, 799999, 699999, 599999, 499999, 399999, 299999, 199999 distance & all is fine clound, land, water single thing what i seen wierd is daiylight city are bad scale or something is not fine see print screen View from 1499k @Gaest nice
  13. Acording your logs you have 2 Visual pack in same time 1. RSSVE > [LOG 13:01:26.026] Load(Texture): RSSVE/Assets/DetailTextures/DetailAltostratus 2. StockVisualEnhancements > [LOG 13:01:42.723] Load(Texture): StockVisualEnhancements/EVE/Atmosphere/Textures/Aurora Bad bad bad remove SVE or RSSVE & stick to only one, SVE to be use it need to be change to RSS needs aka i hope you know that cheers
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