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Bottle Rocketeer
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No, they use their own module. Create your own MM patch .cfg file and paste in the below and this should change them to work like stock (not tested): //This patches the Tarsier Space Technoplogies Science Hard Drives to function using the same system as the Squad Science Container //Find all parts that have the TST Science Drive module @PART[*]:HAS[@MODULE[TSTScienceHardDrive]]:AFTER[TarsierSpaceTech] { //Remove the science drive module -MODULE[TSTScienceHardDrive] { } //Add the Squad science container module MODULE { name = ModuleScienceContainer reviewActionName = #autoLOC_502201 //#autoLOC_502201 = Review Stored Data storeActionName = #autoLOC_502202 //#autoLOC_502202 = Store Experiments evaOnlyStorage = True // i.e. can nearby regular vessels also do this, or EVA only storageRange = 1.3 canBeTransferredToInVessel = True canTransferInVessel = True showStatus = True } }
I'm trimming down some mods where I only use a handful of parts, but the mods come with dozens of assets. What I want to know, in order to reduce how much KSP is loading, is whether: (a) Are .mu files in GameData folders loaded, even if no part .cfg file refers to them? (b) If the answer to (a) is yes, then, are texture files loaded if no .mu file references them? It's easiest just to write a MM file to remove parts I don't use, but that won't help with load times if they are loaded anyway. If that's the case, renaming /mu files is also fairly easy. But I'd rather not have to import dozens of .mu files to work out what materials they use to know what texture files to rename and which to keep if I don't have to...
Minmus will cross Kerbin's equatorial plane twice in one orbit; at the ascending and descending nodes for the planet. This is a useful time to leave Minmus orbit, if the plan is to rendezvous with something in an equatorial orbit of Kerbin. I've searched, but I can't find a list of times that Minmus passes its own ascending and descending nodes. Or even just the first time (i.e. UT + hh:mm.ss) from which I could calculate the rest... Does anyone know if this information has been calculated anywhere? Alternatively: I think this can be calculated from the velocity, Arg. of Pe. and Mean Anomaly at UT zero (both of which are on the wiki). If it's not already been posted somewhere, I may sit down later and try to work it out, so any pointers on doing this would also be welcome.
[1.12.x] Crew R&R - Crew Rest & Rotation
Cooper42 replied to linuxgurugamer's topic in KSP1 Mod Releases
This works, thanks. As long as the UI in the difficulty settings isn't touched after making the changes in the persistent.sfs file, this seems to work. -
[1.12.x] Crew R&R - Crew Rest & Rotation
Cooper42 replied to linuxgurugamer's topic in KSP1 Mod Releases
Request: Could the 'maximum' vacation time please be extended beyond 100 days, and the maximum % be extended beyond 100%. Suggestion: 300% maximum, up to 1000 days max. I don't use KCT, but I am currently running a career where I only launch once every 20 days. Even with the current maximums, such a schedule means the mod has almost no impact. It would be nice, for example, if I send Kerbals on 100+ days / multi-year missions that they get taken off 'active duty' for a substantial period of time afterwards. -
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Okay, thanks. After a bit more searching and a refresh on some orbital mechanics I once knew, but have since forgotten after I stopped playing KSP for some time, I've found the calculation steps. I'm putting it here in case anyone else comes across this, trying to work out the same thing. Step-by-step to calculate the longest possible period of time in darkness for an elliptical orbit with the Ap directly above the pole of a body. All values in meters, seconds and radians. Need to know the following: Ap = Apoapsis altitude Pe = Periapsis altitude R = radius of planet (check the KSP wiki) GM = Standard gravitational parameter (check the KSP wiki) Calculate: Ra = Ellipse radius at Ap Ra = Ap + R Rp = Ellipse radius at Pe Rp = Pe + R a = semi-major axis a = = Rp + Ra / 2 b = semi-minor axis b = = sqrt(Rp * Ra) e = eccentricity e = = sqrt(1 - (b/a)^2) F = distance between centre of the ellipse (C) and the focal point / the planetary body (F1) F = = sqrt(a^2 - b^2) Now, presuming that the penumbra of the planet is a cylinder that extends infinitely behind the planet (which is a close enough approximation) we now have enough to use some basic trigonometry to work out the eccentric anomaly, as shown on this diagram from Wikipedia: E1 = Eccentric anomaly as satellite enters the penumbra E2 = Eccentric anomaly as satellite leaves the penumbra E1 = = arccos((F + R) / a) E2 = = arccos((F - R) / a) M = Mean anomaly M = = E - e * sin(E) Calculate M1 and M2 for E1 and E2 respectively ΔM = M2 - M1 n = mean motion n = = sqrt(GM / a^3) Finally Δt = Time to travel between E1 and E2 (Which is the time spent in darkness) Δt = = ΔM/n Note that this time in darkness won't be experienced every orbit. Example. For an orbit around Kerbin, with Ap above one pole of 60,000km and a Pe above the other pole of 120km Δt = 809.4 seconds (As I type this out, I'm sure there's almost certainly a quicker / more efficient way of doing this, but my doctorate is in a social science, so cobbling this together will do for me!) The orbital darkness period for a circular orbit of 120km Ap / Pe is 640.51s Which is, thankfully, quite a bit different than that which I calculated: Which is good, it means I didn't waste all that time when there was a good enough easy estimation! Although, this is a highly eccentric orbit. For less eccentric orbits, calculating the orbital darkness time for an equatorial orbit with Pe & Ap = Pe of intended orbit, and then add a bit for good measure, would be close enough. Useful sources: https://space.stackexchange.com/a/23129 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eccentric_anomaly and, as always: http://www.braeunig.us/space/orbmech.htm
Could you explain more please? As I would assume the same as Rhomphaia You say the worst case scenario for darkness time doesn't change based upon inclination. But, if the Ap is directly above a pole, how could that lead to a situation where the Ap is directly opposite the sun, through the planet's centre?
Breaking ground deployed science parts benefit from both scientists and engineers, so there's a need for a landing command pod / module larger than the Mk2 Lander Can. Sure, I can use the Mk1-3 command pod, but it's very heavy for this role. Can anyone suggest a mod that includes a 3-crew lander can? The 'Tethys' from Near Future, a 3-crew pod designed to be used with small radial mounted rockets, is the closest. But it's even heavier than the Mk1-3, without any of the utility of the stock landing cans. I have ReStock, B9, USI, Stockalike Stations, and a bunch of others, and I was surprised to see that this niche isn't filled by one of these. Any ideas if there's something out there?
The Wiki has the equations for orbital darkness time: https://wiki.kerbalspaceprogram.com/wiki/Orbit_darkness_time And there are a number of calculators, spreadsheets & mods out there that calculate this. However, all are based upon the presumption of an equatorial orbit (or low inclination orbit). Are there any thoughts on how to calculate this for highly inclined & eccentric orbits? I'm planning a number of polar orbit, high Ap, high eccentricity communications relays for RemoteTech. I realise KSP doesn't calculate ec use for on rails craft, but I'd like to have some idea for when building to aim for some kind of plausibility. However, an equatorial orbit with a high Ap would need >70k batteries!... There's a post from 2016 by 'Hamsterjam' regarding the general case on the Wiki talk pages, but the link is long dead: : https://wiki.kerbalspaceprogram.com/wiki/Talk:Orbit_darkness_time#What_about_eccentric_polar_orbits.3F I can find no more information on how to begin calculating this, and all the tools, spreadsheets and mods use the formula that presumes an equatorial orbit...
[1.12.5] Restock - Revamping KSP's art (August 28)
Cooper42 replied to Nertea's topic in KSP1 Mod Releases
Is this likely to work with 1.4.x? I'm going through the process of removing some older parts mods & replacing them so I can eventually update my KSP version. Being able to use this for my 1.4.x game whilst I wait for a couple of other mods to update would be great! -
I'm currently using Ship Manifest / Connected Living Space. As this is the only mod which I can find that allows for easy transfer of science experiment results between science containers, command pods etc. within a vessel, without needing to EVA and do this manually. But, that's all I need this mod for, so am wondering if anyone knows of a mod that can do this, without everything else that ship manifest / CLS adds?
WI'm planning some large, high part-count, space stations. For Mun & Minmus specifically. I want them low enough that regular trips to the surface for large ships don't have high dV requirements, but, ideally, not so low that my FPS gets tanked by having both high part-count ships and the higher-detail planet terrain kicking in. At certain orbital altitudes the terrain of a planet becomes more detailed, as the procedural terrain (PQS; 'Procedural Quadtree Sphere') fades-in. At higher orbits, just the scaled space is rendered. But, despite lots of searching, this is all I could find in an old thread about it: What is not fully answered in that thread is at what altitudes, for what planets, does the 'noticeable performance impact' of PQS stop, as that is 'turned off completely'. Does anyone know where I might find this information?
CKAN (The Comprehensive Kerbal Archive Network); v1.28.0 - Dyson
Cooper42 replied to politas's topic in KSP1 Mod Releases
There is an issue with Mk2Expansion when installing with CKAN. As reported here: