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  1. Hello FreeThinker I have read 3 books by Reactor Physics and Construction (Russian) is seems that Gas Core reactors can be fuelled up and collect depleted fuel in a tanks like Fusion Reactors use D\T from external fuel tanks (in working process without EVA kerbal)... as i can remember now in Interstellar GC reactor lost its power by time, collects depleted fuel inside and can be reloaded when stopped by EVA Kerbal right??? I think you will understand what im talking about ) (just an advise)
  2. Thanks, I understand... that,s realistic feature indeed, but maybe this should be written on "Reactors" article on first page? I think many people don,t know this feature )
  3. Hello, FreeThinker ) Here,s a bug i find - when i fill Gas core mk2 reactor by ThF4 and fly some years on high warp speed, the MAX reactor Thermal Power is dissapeared somewhere, i mean - after some years i have 95% ThF4 and 5% Actinides, but reactor maximal thermal power is ~2\3 from maximal when I start flight... with Uranium fuel everything seems proportional and allright...
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