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Everything posted by g_BonE

  1. thanks for the Tips regarding vtol engine switching, cant wait for the New Release with Action Group Support. Quick question: us there a way to use waypoint Manager waypoints as target for the goto Mode of tca?
  2. So... how would I go about making the vtol engine from quiztech pack work? it's got a horizontal /vertical mode switch and trust reversal all of which can be toggled by right click or via action group. id like to have it in horizontal mode until a certain height is reached and then toggle it to vertical (ie. forward) mode. is that some how achievable via tca engine profiles?
  3. just wanted to say: love this mod, the Art style, everything about it! keep it up and thanks a lot!
  4. @allista, thanks for looking in to this! and thanks again for this great mod! using it mainly for VTOL and auto waypoint navigation on kerbin currently. it's amazing what TCA makes possible and controllable. thanks again and keep it up!
  5. request : can you make the here and now part optional / toggleable? using a different mod for this and would like to be able to remove that icon from the Stock toolbar
  6. alright, here is an uploaded savegame and logfile. i just created a new game and cheated in some science points to purchase all TCA related stuff from the tech tree. also created a quick craft which has tank, engine and RCS. http://www104.zippyshare.com/v/NpPDJCMW/file.html Also included some screenshot snippets demonstrating the problem. Hope it helps figuring out why TCA does not activate properly in the editors. Additionally i wanted to state that TCA works flawlessly in flight, i.e. i can run all the modules when im at the launchpad. edit: found this in the logs, dont know if this might be the culprit? [EXC 19:22:28.654] NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object AT_Utils.Utils.PartIsPurchased (System.String name) ThrottleControlledAvionics.TCAModulesDatabase.ModuleAvailable (System.Type m) ThrottleControlledAvionics.EnginesProfileEditor.Awake () UnityEngine.GameObject:AddComponent(Type) AddonLoader:StartAddon(LoadedAssembly, Type, KSPAddon, Startup) AddonLoader:StartAddons(Startup) AddonLoader:OnLevelLoaded(Int32) AddonLoader:OnSceneLoaded(Scene, LoadSceneMode) UnityEngine.SceneManagement.SceneManager:Internal_SceneLoaded(Scene, LoadSceneMode)
  7. about the tca being unavailable In vab/sph : once I get home from work I will post a savegame (contains the mod list) and maybe some screenshots / more details here.
  8. Hi, long time lurker here and wanted to thank You for this magnificent mod! Looks MechJeb might go in retirement soon. Now the following problem / question: In my ongoing 1.2 career and a freshly started career all the command modules show "TCA: unavailable" despite having a fuel tank, engine and RCS on the craft and the TCA tech is researched completely. Thus the TCA button only opens the manual and im unable to program engine groups or macros. Im running quite a few mods too but on 1.1.3 with almost the same mods TCA worked just as expected. Do You have an idea what might cause this issue? Is there anything im missing or misunderstood? Is there a way to enable the full TCA window in the editor without the requirements (engine, rcs, etc.) ?
  9. seems like v0.5.2 did not make it to CKAN yet?
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