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    Explosion Specialist

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  1. Gosh I'm giving out all my rep's! No but in all seriousness this is why I love KSP and, more specifically, its community. Because people are so 'free' with their code/information that everyone can better the game one way or another! Cheers to you Tralfagar, and the entire KSP community in general! //Ron
  2. You, sir, are my hero. This was my favourite mod all the way through 0.90 and 1.0.x, and I give you my rep's for being an awesome kerbonaut.
  3. Ah, okay taniwha. Also my isp does that too, always liquides me off when my IP changes >:l
  4. Taniwha.org is down, can someone please post the zip file? I want to mess around with this, but the website is down :c
  5. He doesn't have ksp for steam, he just has steam.
  6. Unrelated note - Nosirrbro, go online on steam.
  7. Go online on steam.

  8. ffs just post a non-updated version of 1.1 to the store. Please. For god's sakes I'm begging you.
  9. Idea! Instead of ONLY PUBLISHING IT ON STEAM, why not just post a single version of 1.1 (that isn't updated constantly) to the store and make a disclaimer?
  10. I landed on the mun in career mode! ...Yes, that is major for me. (I'll see if I can get the pictures to UPLOAD ALREADY... ugh.) EDIT: I've also been messing around with remote tech... Can't wait for 1.1 so that I can actually use my 8 GBs of RAM and my 6-core Vishera for KSP... :/
  11. +1. Would require quite a bit of work as far as I can tell, but then again probably not as much work that went into mods like KSP: Interstellar or Kerbal Attachment System. I would love to see modular engines - I think it would be a great idea, especially for those times when the situation calls for a very specific engine. //Ron
  12. While our farts contain a little bit of methane, Scott Manley's flatulence is composed of only one substance... Kethane. Scott Manley has a kid named Orion. 'Nuff said. Scott Manley met aliens before. He domesticated them by saying "Hullo!". There is a secret orbital maneuver in kerbal space program that no one will dare speak of. It can be achieved by remembering to fly safe... (anyone see what I did there? :3)
  13. Nobody knows why Venus has such a thick atmosphere. Some lunatics say that it was due to physics - The actual reason is due to Scott Manley breathing on it, causing particles to be attracted to Venus.
  14. I know we all want to ask, but fear of ban because bumps, so I'll go ahead and ask. What have you been up to as of lately, and when do you think (even if it's a rough estimate) we'll get some previews of the next version? :D
  15. (Sorry for the bump!) I got my hands on a DK2 just recently, and I'm having a lot of trouble. I pasted the profile text into the profiles.xml file (the text from the bottom of the original post), but I still need the KSP.xml (shader file) and default.MTBS (VR Boost file). Could someone please upload these files? Obviously people have gotten KSP to work in the oculus rift DK2, but I'm not going to pay $50 for software that serves a purpose which could be accomplished for free.
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