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Posts posted by EnderKid2

  1. 5 minutes ago, kerbalxploder said:

    @Nertea Don't mean to ruin your day, but can you perhaps create cfgs for the restock engines like the spark, or maybe even the jet engines, at least the rapier?? Thanks for your time if you're even reading this

    I made a config for the Spark and Twitch, it's pretty simple.

    not sure how to put it here though.

  2. 7 hours ago, Sokar408 said:

    After scrubbing all mods down to just USL LS, I found that this problem only exists for the life support EC drain of the Kerbals. Probe cores and other types of EC drain remains steady. I apologize for involving you, as it seems to be directly related to how USL works. I saw the DBS setting for warp in the config file, and drew a wrong conclusion.

    odd, I'm not using life support and I'm getting weird behavior...

  3. 12 hours ago, IgorZ said:

    Okay. Here is an update on the KAS compatibility. I've spent more time testing it (and thanks to those who helped me on Github!). In nutshell, it's not that easy to make KAS compatible :(  Here is the bug list I have so far. All of these bugs are not trivial and require a lot of investigation. I wish there were events notifying when a part is being picked up in EVA, but for now I don't see any. Also, it's not possible to block the EVA construction UI, so many KAS functionality interferes with the stock game and needs to be disabled when the construction mode is activated. That being said, do not expect quick fixes. I still appreciate bug reports, but, please, in the bug report clearly state that you're testing and not using KAS in 1.11.

    I'll repeat myself: KAS v1.7 is not compatible with the stock cargo system in KSP 1.11. It should be safe to use KIS+KAS pair in KSP 1.11 - I haven't found any obvious problems. But do not use the stock cargo system and KAS in your carrier games. Not just yet.

    What is the difference between testing and using?


    21 minutes ago, mikegarrison said:

    I have a ship with a "resource transfer station" on it, and I would like to use the 1.11 construction method to remove it and place it on a different ship. But it seems this is an unremovable part? Is that correct?

    (Oops, I see that maybe the post above this one answers the question already.)

    To make it "compatible" with the stock construction method and inventory, you need to add the cargoPart module.

            name = ModuleCargoPart
            packedVolume = 80

    is what I used

  4. 11 hours ago, BionicPianoMan said:

    I'm having an issue and I can't seem to figure out what's causing it. Forgive me, for I'm brand new to ALL of this. Idk how I didn't know about it earlier, but I just recently discovered KSP and I'm having a blast. Then I found about mods and holy moly did my blown mind blow again. Anyhoo, apologies if this isn't the correct place to ask this:

    In the VAB, when attempting to add the Electric Screwdriver to the cargo absolutely nothing in the EVA Items appears when I'm in the Cargo tab. Doesn't matter the vehicle, or even SPH. I can't figure out if I'm doing something wrong, as I'm attempting to learn how to use everything, or if it's legitimately a glitch or conflict. I have two active contracts where I have to (1) attach a solar panel to a satellite orbiting Kerbin, and (2) repair a satellite orbiting the Mun. My goal was to do both in one trip. I know I don't need the screwdriver for the repair, but I'm pretty positive I need it to attach the new solar panel. 

    I'm running on macOS Mojave (10.14.6), 3.6GHz Intel i9, 32GB RAM, Radeon Pro 580X 8GB, KSP 1.11.  Output log and ckan mod list can be found here

    I've tried scouring the interwebs for a solution, but haven't come across anything with the similar problem. 

    As I've recently discovered the game, as of Jan 5, I've only more recently discovered the community. And holy cow, what a community. Thanks in advance for the help, and again my apologies if this isn't the right place to submit my problem. 

    This isn't exactly the place to ask this, I would think you would want to ask in the gameplay questions section and explain your situation, but eh.

    You can just attach the solar panel with the stock EVA building functionality, without using KIS. All engineers have a laser welding tool, you don't need to bring a screwdriver, or use KIS at all.

  5. 10 hours ago, RuFLaSH said:

    Hi, I've played KSP before at a friends and got it for myself now with 1.11. Now I know, in the VAB, you got the option to toggle crossfeed on and off by right-clicking on the decoupler. But now there's no such option even though it says it can but is turned off by default.

     My aim is to used side decouplers as drop tanks, like Ive done in the past, but now i cant making my ship designs VERY limited and, imo, less fun to play.

    Is this a bug or deleted feature? If so, can i rollback to a previous ver that can do that? I'm running no mods so its a new clean install.

    Any help would be great, thanks.

    Pretty sure this should go in the gameplay questions and tutorials section of the forum, not the addon discussion section, but eh. I can't think of any reasons why it isn't showing up, but you can just use fuel ducts instead.

  6. 17 hours ago, viperwolf said:

     I just started back at it Today, so the update makes sense.

    About the Real Plume, while i was searching over the thread. I saw someone talking that Real Plume Stock was not compatible?  I just started over anyway bc my mods where pretty old, even though I use Ckan to update them.

    I try and run bare minimum mods, but this one(one of my favorites) is really nice to have. Ill happily wait for an update at some point. Thank you!!!!!!

    Waterfall has patches for most of the relevant Restock stuff, and I made some for a few of the others, like the Spark and Twitch, and the small Restock+ RCS

  7. On 2/14/2020 at 5:10 AM, LittleBitMore said:

    I don't know how you guys are discussing how mods will work, but I'm thinking my ideal method of handling mods in servers (depending on how KSP2 modding works in single player) is that only a certain amount of mods are allowed by each server. All are required for accurate multiplayer.

    I hope CKAN or something similar is built in to KSP2 for automatic server modlist matching.

    Do it like Factorio does it. Have your computer automatically temporarily download the required mods.

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