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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. I am looking for this option as well. Is this possible to do in the current or (for RSS/RO)?
  2. Are the symmetric chutes not compatible with RealChute? If they are, how do you get them to work? I installed the mod via CKAN and installed the Plus patch manually, but my chutes overlap.
  3. I updated RSS and RO earlier through CKAN, and now my geostationary satellites have an orbital period of 9d, 23h, 58m. I'm not sure how this 9h got added to the orbit, as they're still circular at 35,786km. The Earth below them is also spinning, and not still. (as seen when I warp) From the space center, warping from sunrise to sunrise takes 24h.
  4. Thank you so much for this. I've been having to make mine with decouplers and steel plates. Now I get actual clamps again. Is there any way to delay the deletion of the clamps until the craft clears the tower, or similar? Maybe after the craft hits 1000m? At least for me, the clamp attacks always start at 8000m.
  5. When I select "revert to VAB, the game crashes. I've had it happen repeatedly, with different craft, at different times; on the pad, in flight, after splashdown. In the output log, it says "KSP.exe caused an Access Violation (0xc0000005) in module KSP.exe at 0023:016d7b3a." and "Write to location 00000000 caused an access violation." I'm not sure how to post the whole log, but this appears in each one.
  6. I removed the RF stock configs as I thought that might have been the problem, do you think that's enough or should I just do a full RF reinstall? I'll try the solver engines work around and see if that fixes it. Edit: I checked CKAN again (as I always do before launching KSP) and there was a Solver Engines update. It's launching now, so I assume it's the right version of solver engines.
  7. My KSP is freezing when it loads, no crash, but in the debug menu I get the line"[Error]: Serialization depth limit exceeded at 'ThermalLink'. There may be an object composition cycle in one or more of your serialized classes." a ton of times, probably around a hundred or so. I'm also getting "[Exception]: MissingFieldException: Field 'SolverEngines.ModuleEnginesSolver.tempGaugeMin' not found." I think these are both related to the RO release, but I'm not sure. If this helps, and I hope it does, great. If not, is there somewhere else I should post this? Thanks Edit: Crashed this time. Not sure yet how to post the output log.
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