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Everything posted by younitty

  1. I can confirm that "Breaking Ground" actually breaks the game if using KIS and KAS. Those are for now incompatible. Tried numerous reinstall and each times it breaks the game... Will have to wait for new mod versions.
  2. Because a lot of time was spent on this great mod, i must take a few minutes of my own to help the people behind it realize that it is unusable as is. 1) Inflatable shields Exploding or not shielding at all: a) When the ships is loaded, the I.S. is always inflated ! b) When placing a part on top of the I.S., it often sits too deeply inside the shield. This causes the part to be exposed during re-entry. Also, i noticed that in some cases, one in orbit, the fact that the part in entangled deeply inside the I.S. part makes the physics engine go nuts. The ship shakes and turn uncontrollably... then explode ! 2) HAB modules don't do science : Am i right to assume that we should be able to use the various HAB modules as fully functional "Processing Labs" ?... Cause if so, it can send "data" and it can send "Science", but there is never any science to send since the menu doesn't offert any "Start Research" option !... So even if the module is containing "Scientists" and is surrounded by sensing equipments, it will never produce any science ! 3) ALTAIR Explorer II modules shouldn't be released at all : I already wrote a comment on this forum about this. This module doesn't offer a way to extract its occupants !... Also, it doesn't show that it has occupants ! In "Career" code, one mission consists of rescuing a kerbal stranded around the Mun. This kerbal is waiting in this particular defective module. It's a bit frustrating to do the entire mission to realize at the end that the kerbal we must save will never be able to get out of his coffin ! 4) Many complex, undocumented and badly sized parts : Many parts, adapters, interstages, fuel tanks, etc... are not designed to be used without proper documentation, examples, notices, etc. They are obviously met to be used in a specific way and in conjunction with other specific parts. In addition, because those Chaka parts aren't properly managed under proper "manufacturer", "sizes", "function" tabs, this makes the entire mod messy and frustrating to use. CONCLUSION : The mod is obviously the result of months and months of hard work by dedicated individual(s?). So much quality in all these parts yet such major defects prevents your users from installing and using your mod. I don't think your mod should be listed as KSP 1.0.5 compatible yet.
  3. Technique 2 doesn't work either... It is the one i always use. Technique 1 doesn't even propose the contextual menu you're talking about. I noticed when i first installed RemoteTech2 that this contextual menu is no longer available for any antennas. To send science, one must right click on the experiment device or on the Processing Lab and transmit the data or science. The issue i am talking about here is specifically related to sending processing lab's science results. (What researching produces after a while.) This doesn't work.
  4. I do not understand why this mod is still made available considering the fact that it cannot transmit any science in career mode. The bug was reported and there is apparently a fix for it... I just downloaded the latest version on Github and it is still not working ! What am i doing wrong ? Thanks for the mod and support work nevertheless !
  5. It was ALTAIR Explorer. Ho and i just re-installed the entire package after re-downloading it from page 1 of the current forum thread... It seams like the corrections you made(i.e. patch 1.0.5A) is not ported to the main package file on page 1... I will have to re-install this patch again. (Not complaining... Just raising a flag. )
  6. Hello... I don't know if this 1.0.5A was released for the issue i reported regarding the landing module but... I installed it and now i can see the Kerbals that are inside the module... But i still can't get them out of there !.... It says. (The module has no hatch) What am i missing ?
  7. Ok... so.... What should i do to fix this ?... Re-Download the entire thing ?... Just change this "name = ALC..." line in some file ?.... Which file should i change this ? Thanks !
  8. Just to mention that there seams to be a bug with the ALTAIR module. It is set to contain 3 kerbals but in flight there is no one. If you go to the map view, the right side of the screen shows that the module has a crew... but no one is visible so no IVA nor EVA are possible. Am i missing something ?
  9. i guess i can't be the first one to notice ! I did the Class C asteroid capture do Eve mission and once i reached the damn thing i went right through it ! It had no substance so i never managed to use the claws on it. Any idea what "I" would have done wrong ? Thanks !
  10. In my KSP setting page, i get a funny message on top of the screen. (Everysince i installed VNG 0.7.2 on my new KSP 1.0.2. It says "Vanguard Technologies Asset Database Printer - Save asset list to kspdir/assetlist.log" Can someone explain this ?
  11. Just tryed this mod on KSP which i purchased for the very first time a few days ago... so i should have the latest version. i.e. 1.0.2. Windows 8 Let me know if a log file exists somewhere i could check to send some usefull info about this.
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