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Everything posted by netbumbler

  1. I couldn't get the rotation to work smoothly without this extreme skeleton (and the ship would fly apart even when it did work). But now I can accelerate at full thrust for all 6 Rhinos and the ring will rotate just fine and the ship will hold its heading with only minimal deviation (and no RUD). Of course the part count went up about 30 percent...lol
  2. Excited for procedural wings and the new paint options.
  3. Though I've done all the major missions in the game, my absolute favorite thing is designing launch escape systems and testing them. I had one crew capsule that was buried DEEP inside of a huge 500+ part craft but I made it so the fairings and all the surrounding structures would disassemble to allow the crew to escape. Of course if the stuff inside the fairing was damaged it wouldn't work sometimes but it was super fun nonetheless.
  4. Awesome! I can fly everything manually pretty well but making KOS do it for me is my next goal.
  5. Fun with SSTO development. About 4 tons of cargo to 100K with 460 m/s delta V left. Coming home safe.
  6. I use Valentina for SSTO development while Jeb, Bob and Bill are off doing rockets and getting science. I also have Valentina test fly all the aircraft and she gets a bunch of science from the surface of Kerbin for everybody. When I start doing interplanetary stuff I send all four of them and Val and Jeb switch off flying the mother ship and landers. I usually do Apollo style missions for all the different planets.
  7. Making things look cool. I can design just about anything I need to complete the most complex missions, but they never look "cool". Just sort of "meh".
  8. January 2015. I want to say it was v0.90? I may be wrong about that. I just started playing again after laying off for about two years. Pretty much my favorite game ever.
  9. Yeah if they can get the graphics anywhere near the quality of the trailer, then they can take ALL my money! lol Actually, I just want a new game engine with better orbital mechanics simulation and get rid of the GC stuttering. But nicer graphics will be appreciated...
  10. Yup. Downloading now. 174.4MB for me on Steam...
  11. My best missions would simply be my 3 successful Eve-return missions. My worst would be my first manned Duna mission where I did everything right except for falling short on delta-v for the return trip. Had to revert to save. I was super angry because I engineered the landing and ascent vehicles and did all the rendezvous perfectly, but was about 200 meters short. I could get back to Kerbin's SOI, but not capture into an orbit (not even a super-elliptical one where I might send up a rescue ship). Yeah I had the kerbals get rid of every last ounce of unnecessary weight and ran the return trip multiple times, but it just wasn't happening...
  12. It seems to be a tradition now that whenever there is a new KSP update, I do a quick Apollo-style mission to bring myself back into the game...
  13. Yeah that will work very well. The RAM is a tad slow, but shouldn't really make a huge difference. And the video card will work great with any visual mods you might want to use.
  14. ...pollution and epic safety violations. Manslaugh...er...kerbalslaughter.
  15. As to the docking bug being related to the landing leg bug, as mentioned earlier in this thread, I am still on 1.4.1 (which is working very well overall, btw) but I have the docking bug without the landing leg bug. Landing legs are completely fine but docking is way harder than it was in 1.3.1. Especially with the new flexible, extending docking port: that thing takes the ship that is trying to dock with it and moves it all over the place. Have to kill SAS (which is a shame since I used to use the target mode to help line things up) and go in completely manually and then wait for the two ports to 'kiss' each other and swing side to side before actually docking. Very frustrating as in 1.3.1 docking was extremely easy and predictable. Just another data point for the discussion...
  16. You're de-orbiting a piece of space junk. The reason you are using a heat shield and parachutes for apparent full recovery is the fact that just burning up a satellite like that with so many RTGs would pose a radiation hazard to Kerbin. It's a role-playing thing. And/or maybe you just want the funds back for all the stuff...
  17. Been refining my reusability program. This is the whopper: a 1600 ton booster that can loft over 100 tons into a 100km orbit with the downrange landing profile (analogous to Space X landing on the barge vs. back at launch site). It can put the same payload to about 90km with about 800 m/s of speed with the boost back to launch site flight profile. As shown here: Ground Crew doing last inspections before roll out: Launch!: The payload: Reentry burn: Coming in Hot: Landing: Sweet!:
  18. Grab an old version of Glasswire and just firewall it. Of course if you really like your mods to let you know when an update is available then firewalling KSP will break that functionality, but you can still just manually check CurseForge, Spacedock, etc., for the mod updates.
  19. LOL! I got it too...used to anger me but now I just laugh at it. It'll go away soon...
  20. Excellent idea. Yeah now you have me thinking of designing a single stage rocket for shuttling back and forth. I would have to role play some sort of MacGuffin unique to Eve's surface to make it work for me psychologically. Haven't done the numbers yet, but a base at the highest point would probably be a necessity and some sort of rover that can shuttle Kerbals back and forth from mining/studying/excavating my MacGuffin in the lower altitudes would be cool too...
  21. 12-21-17 Jool Transfer Ship 1.0 test 1 Yeah I use dates to make sure when I actually go on the mission I use the latest, best iteration. The 'test x' field is when I tweak something minor on a proven base model. I'll even put a descriptor in there like 'srb test 3' or something to let me know how that exact craft differs from the base model.
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