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Everything posted by Mysterion

  1. What'd you use to make your signature? Also, I believe your sig has 2.5, 3.75, 7.5, and 10m parts in it?
  2. That's the PROBLEM. They released a very much so unfinished product. In my personal opinion, realistic aero and reentry damage should have been put in before a full version. Those are pretty big changes to be placing in the first full release. At least Minecraft had their stuff together before releasing a full. Now they're IMPROVING on what they've done. Squad is by no means a bad company, and I'll stick with them. Hell, I'd sink with them if KSP was a sinking ship. But they're not perfect, they've made alot of mistakes. They're bound to make more. Scrutinizing every mistake isn't how things are fixed. Civilized discussion is. Not sure if I've just contradicted myself there, but in the end... TL;DR: Squad is definitely messing up, and they definitely have messed up, and will mess up. But they- like us- are human, and so we should give them the benefit of the doubt.
  3. I think that the probes should have built-in cargo doors of sorts, depending on their size. Thus, you can do things like carry the fuel within the probe core, but also do things like place batteries, possibly seats, etc. inside of it. A hollow probe opens up plenty of possiblities, honestly.
  4. While I'm no modder, I will that that's a 1 - .20 2 - .21 3 - .22 4 - .23 5 - .23.5 6 - .24 7 - .25 8 - .90 9 - 1.0.0 10 -1.0.1 11 - 1.0.2 12 - 1.0.3 13 - 1.0.4 A 13-version update... that'd take quite the revamp to work, I believe.
  5. Maybe a contract pack that asks you to rescue Kerbals stranded on parts of Kerbin? It'd be interesting, with the parameters having a distance factor to KSP, kinda like a survey so. "Rescue _____ Kerman from Site ____ and bring them to Site ___/KSC"
  6. That sounds like a good idea. I wish I could mod so that I could make this. Would the inside of the probe be hollow, as is shown in the picture?
  7. Hello and welcome to death- I mean Kerbal Explos- I mean Moar Bo- I mean Kerbal Space Program Forums!
  8. Not done reading this post, but I've seen several modders post here, +1 admin/player semi-argument. While I did very much use Win64 KSP, If Win64 and Win32 KSP were both separate civilizations, this- to me- seems to be what the beginning of a Win-War would be like.
  9. This would be something more suited for the help and tutorials area (or whatever it's called) in my opinion.
  10. Hey, I'm Mysterion, a KSP player since version .20, if memory serves correct. I've been on here as another account, which I lost the info to, but I'm here once more, and I plan on staying! I play on an average computer... I think. Toshiba has always served me well, haha. It's a laptop that runs the game, modded, smoothly, so I can't complain. I'm currently doing a career mode involving realism mods... alright, that's it. Kthxgonnagousemoarboostersbye
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