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Everything posted by TheCatMan17

  2. Wernher, you're drinking too much khampagne for your own good. No! You can't drink khodka either. No wonder all his rockets crash... Anyways, great update! I can't wait to see Bob's reaction to first sight of the Billmobile! ETA: Woo! Page 100!
  3. Great job on getting on the daily kerbal! It's these kind of random mods that put the fun into KSP.
  4. And that is what you get for kicking something that you know nothing about and is the timer to your world's destruction!
  5. For reasons unknown (I wiped my game clean of mods) the Dres Circumnavigation has been stopped. I might start it back again if I have the time, but now isn't that time.
  6. Yeah! D,OB complete! Good job Kuzzter! I hope you make another to follow this one up, please! Maybe something about Jool!
  7. Sorry for the delay, had to do things again! It seems that today our "brave" pilot Jeb has faced a tragic accident!
  8. I don't think they should remove the nosecone. The mk1 cockpit that we have now doesn't have it's nose chopped off! If they DO take off the nosecone, then we would just have another inline cockpit, and besides, I don't want to put in extra effort for a nosecone.
  9. I'll probably do both! I also have an engine on the back of my rover to help boost me across it.
  10. Sorry for my absence, I had things to do with my life. Ep 2 - Journey to Checkpoint 1 The journey was quite difficult, and I had to make quite a few repairs (to the wheels), but I got there and that's all that matters.
  11. I'm doing this challenge with the "lonely space potato" called Dres. Check it out here. Also, do I have to bring the kerbal back home at the end?
  12. I'm going to be circumnavigating the lonely space potato, Dres. Why? Because I don't see anyone else that's done it. This is the rover that's going to be making the trip, the Potato 2. It's powered by RTGs and solar panels. It has an LV-909 "Terrier" engine at the back for 'extra speed' Ep 1 - Getting to Dres
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