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Interplanet Janet

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Everything posted by Interplanet Janet

  1. Hello, amarius. Remember me, the guy on reddit with the disappearing Titan analogue (the moon was named Terry)? I'd like to make a suggestion; you could add some Kentaurs (orbiting outside the asteroid belt, but orbiting within Keelon's orbit) and Trans-Keelonean objects to your planet pack. I know it might make RAM explode with the force of dynamite, but I think it would be cool. I was also wondering if you could also add a comet trail to Minmus, tenuous ring systems to Jool and Keelon, a Callisto analogue orbiting Jool (Bop and Pol would be very far satellites from Jool, the latter orbiting retrograde), and possibly some cherry-related phrase to the Red Minmus-looking thingy. If I'm coming off as too demanding, I'm sorry.
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