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Everything posted by Pocketlove

  1. It absolutely doesn't work for me. So, I've done everything as needed, installed the mod, put ~10 soundtracks (.mp3) from Interstellar into the "Music" folder, launched the game, quited it, found the "Settings" folder, and found no "Unused" music files, which means, that the program doesn't detect those mp3 files, for some reason. I converted them into .wav, and the mod finally did recognise them. So, I filled out everything that I had to do, placed some in SpacePlaylist, some in ConstructionPlaylist, launched the game. In the menu I heard an ambient sound, which I didn't replace, so I went to my savegame and entered the VAB. Didn't hear any music whatsoever, besides the ambient of the VAB. I though: "Okay, let me look at CSharp file". After those words, I opened it, didn't get preety much anything from what is written there (I know really little of C#). Then I went converting those audio files into .ogg, same thing happened in the game. I even deleted all symbols like dots, hyphens, etc, no changes. Just a full silence, any music I tried. But when I download the mod with music included, it works just fine. Besides loading the system a couple percent more, of course. And loading .mp3 files works from time to time, probably needs a fix. The mod sometimes recognises a couple of mp3's, sometimes it doesn't. Version of the mod I used is 2.1a. Is there something I am doing wrong or misread, or is it just something else?
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