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Everything posted by GarrisonChisholm

  1. I will add that, were you to tell me "in 1 hour you will take a test on basic electricity, and if you pass you'll get 1 MILLION dollars", I will fail. I'm sorry, electricity just has never "stuck" with me, despite my high science hobbies. I will say though, despite being happy with the elementary electricity analog system, that I am ALL for a flag in the VAB that will tell you if you've planned for enough power when all your electrical gadgets are on max draw.
  2. I am in about year 18 of my 1.22 save, and am gearing up to go to Duna and return using Kerbalism. The prototype ship just spent 47 days in orbit and visiting Minmus, and I plan to launch the full-up mission within the next few weeks. I'll post pictures of the final vessel.
  3. Oh, a shadow tease, how coy. (good to see you & best wishes!)
  4. I am positive you'd have planets phasing through one another every once in a blue moon. I bet the game engine would crash if you were close enough (landed) that it had to render it. Well, at least I know now that there really are no limits!
  5. How difficult would it be to extend this for OPM? I realize if you try to include *every* mod it would be an unending task, but I think OPM is still the most used...
  6. By heading the topic "Life is Possible Everywhere" I meant only that with liquid water (being the chiefly desired ingredient to make life possible) present on the surface of a tiny world that couldn't hold an atmosphere, I was laughably bemused, thinking something akin to "where do we draw the line?" I did not mean to imply a belief that there was life on Ceres, or to improperly state that NASA's article said so as well. I intended to highlight the to me comical notion that a tiny world like Ceres could host an Ocean, which unless you are calling it an "underground" or "subsurface" ocean, implying a body of water open to the sky. If, rather than whimsical or enlightened debate, ridicule and derision are the only entertainment I can afford- enjoy.
  7. https://dawn.jpl.nasa.gov/news/news-detail.html?id=6982 Dawn Finds Possible Ancient Ocean Remnants at Ceres So, does this mean someone needs to start modding Dres now?... How on Earth (Kerbin) could such a tiny world host liquid water on its surface? It could have never had an atmosphere dense enough to allow it. ...right? 0.o Holy Crap- I buried the lead; DRES NO LONGER HAS AN EXCUSE TO BE BORING.
  8. This is astonishing. I'm speechless, regarding Both aspects of modeling. *note the long silence and evident absence of speech* Bravo.
  9. I can't say it any better than that.
  10. In the same box that the trees recently (relative) came out of- the toddler just hasn't set them up yet.
  11. My circularization took ~25 minutes. If I am launching Mun rocket w/ 4 person capsule that takes over an hour. I guess I am a patient soul (who desperately needs a new PC).
  12. I frequently find myself thinking how nice it would be if I could play at a You-tuber's playback speed, everything smooth, nearly 1second of game time to 1 second of Real time. If I had a vastly superior laptop, maybe I could get close. But then, I wonder what the "average" time to orbit is for the average KSP'er? So I thought I'd see if we can gather some data. If you're so inclined, build a simple 30-part count rocket and get into LKO, without using science parts to pad the total. The number of mods people are running with actually isn't relevant to this poll, for the data I am curious about is psychological. If someone is playing and the time to orbit is unacceptable, they stop playing, so this information will reveal the "environment" that most people play at; what the 'average' user finds acceptable. A more sophisticated experiment would use identical rockets and mods, but that is not the data I am curious about. How long does it take you to get to orbit? That will reveal the compromises you have accepted to play KSP the way you want!
  13. (...someone should start a thread about "what is the most dV you've put in a rocket"... ) @Archgeek wins.
  14. This doesn't really come up with the stock game, as the only place to "get to" beyond Jool is Eeloo, but with OPM it would be really nice to know when to launch so-as to plan a Voyager type fly-by of all the outer planets. Now we can predict one transfer window with a planner, and it wouldn't be *too* hard to guess at positioning to hit a second planet, but doing 3 or 4 would be ridiculously hard. Even if we knew the "clock dates" for auspicious alignments, navigation would still have a huge fudge factor at each world due to inherent imprecision in flights. I bet if I knew the window precisely, I'd still need a ~ 200 dV burn at each world to ensure I encounter the next, as opposed to Voyager's very small attitude adjustments. Has anyone every seen found, or created a list of such "keyhole" dates that has been published here?
  15. ...wait. Its not?... O.O (so weird I quoted something from 33 days ago...)
  16. " And you know that someone’s going to do that thing that you thought nobody would ever think of doing " ...is not this the very definition of KSP?!?
  17. LOL Snark, you just made (abetted at least) me 'Like' a comment in a 2 1/2 year old thread lol. But I was right at least in remembering a multi-capsule re-entry attempt! Small victories...
  18. This reminds me of my very first multi-kerbal re-entry, which as a rookie I didn't realize would be a problem if they drifted apart. Consequently, it was both my first kerbal fatality and my first muti-kerbal fatality. >,< ...I think that was also my very first post here? ...heavens, bet that's impossible to find now... Good Plan-B-ing though @Snark!
  19. When you wake up on a Saturday morning, grateful you don't have to launch off to work immediately, and then have that slow warm glow thinking; "I'm running a space program...", and then its off to grab the morning coffee, saying hello to the Kerbs in the cafeteria, then sauntering over to mission control and taking stock of what the day's activities will need to be, what kind of skills will need to be employed- "Oh, a manned mission to Mun, that will be fun..." You sit down in the sunlight, sip the joe while your front row loads the first mission up, and think "what a time to be alive..." ...hmm, sorry. Addictive?...
  20. You know, @SQUAD, I bet if you put a "clicky-donation" thingy on the top of the forums for the Mexican Red Cross it would get positive traffic... Ought to be able to find a link from them easily enough.
  21. *is amused to be casting a 'like' to @Mrcarrot about Likes...*
  22. SQUAD- you just had a Major Regional Disaster, the community and staff were frightened and worried, and everyone immediately did everything they could to help their neighbors; ...and you *still* provided a development update. That is dedication my friends. My hat is off to you. (now ignore us and work on the important stuff. <3 )
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