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Everything posted by kreutzkevic

  1. I wouldn't mind if SQUAD took the Paradox route, in order to sustain KSP longer. See CKII and EUIV. But with the new optimizations, there's free runtime for new stuff like planets, clouds, shaders,... My money's on Squad implementing these things in the not too distant future.
  2. Yeah. Now I see. (sorry. It's been a long day). Hmmm. I'll test this when I get home from work. I'll let you know. Might have to do a bug report.
  3. Probably because there's a direct connection to one of the ground stations. There's no need to use a relay then. I'm beginning to wonder what the point would be of a sat network around Kerbin itself, other than to compensate for the Mun occlusion when interplanetary. And even then that could be compensated by a network around the Mun Well, I suppose you could play with the extra ground stations off. That would make relays necessary.
  4. Hmm, didn't work for me on Monday. There's a new build out. I'll try it tonight. Or maybe I just did something wrong.
  5. Please remove or lock this one because I'm an idiot.
  6. This. You've installed regular antennas, not relay dishes. They are only capable of communication, not of signal redicrection. I made that mistake too, after too much RemoteTech. The first relay dish unlocks at 160 science (a bit late if you ask me)
  7. @NathanKell I'm loving the new comms blackout. Thanks However: I have noticed I'm also getting this when launching probes from Kerbin. The rocket was moving at a fair old lick, mind. I was getting atmo. heating at around 40000m and all comms went out. At first I thought it was the antenna, but that was working. Luckily the rocket kept going prograde and comms got restored when reaching space. A hairy couple of seconds as I'm playing with no control during blackout. Is this WAD? edit: DISREGARD. Found:
  8. - Kerbal Engineer - Kerbal Alarm Clock - NAvyfish's Docking Alignment Indicator
  9. Was that so bad? Who did that hurt? It's 3 messages, and RD didn't even have to get involved. Are those the "support issues"? You can quote me, but you don't understand my reasoning. I was merely surprised at Roverdude's mods not showing up in CKAN, because I know he updates them beforehand. I had never looked into how CKAN works for modders and I just use it (quality of life and all that). Had I known RD's feelings on the matter, I wouldn't have bothered asking, but just immediately installed them the old-fashioned way. I already knew about KSP-AVC from my RSS/RP-0 install. I didn't know CKAN was such a divisive issue. I don't care really care either way. It's easy to use as a player, but if modders don't want their mods to be hosted there that's fair enough. Their work. Their choice. If I come across them and I like them, I'll install them either way and check periodically for updates myself if I have to (like we all had to do around 0.21)
  10. I do. I keep my older versions, however. Looking forward to getting home and trying this patch out.
  11. Hey pal,


    Tested your monster of a craft over the weekend. 


    I'm afraid I got no better results than you did. Extremely skiddy. The best results I got was when I recplaced the front LY-35 with an LY-60. Using 'fine controls' I was able to get it the the end of the runway pretty reliably. The extra height in the front meant that is took off a little easier but it caused the craft to bounce jarringly when dropping on the runway from the SPH.

    I'm sorry I've not been able to be off great help.



    1. fireblade274


      No you have been! At least I know im not crazy and these results are happening on a different system.

      Thank you so much for trying it out!

  12. 1.1 is off to a good start...
  13. I've noticed that the Curse thingy never really was accepted by the mod dev community. (Maybe as a necessary evil). Nowadays, it's all about CKAN, which is pretty good. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/100067-The-Comprehensive-Kerbal-Archive-Network-(CKAN)-Package-Manager
  14. I've got a similar problem on at least two vessels. The 'Transmit Science' button in the experiment interface does nothing. It resets the experiment after I press it, but won't send it. I can only send science by right-clicking the antenna and clicking the 'Transmit' button in that interface. It's definetely not the amount of EC available, because I have ample EC and solar panels. I can transmit two experiments, when fully charged, without running out of EC. And I have the antenna set to allow partial transmittions. My intall's a slightly modded one, but the stock experiments and DMagics' experiments are having the same problem. I'll try removing the outdated ScienceAlert when I get home. I was thinking something along those lines but haven't had the chance to test it yet.
  15. Hi, I've got the same problem on at least two vessels. The 'Transmit Science' button in the experiment interface does nothing. It resets the experiment after I press it, but won't send it. I can only send science by right-clicking the antenna and clicking the 'Transmit' button in that interface. It's definetely not the amount of EC available, because I have ample EC and solar panels. I can transmit two experiments, when fully charged, without running out of EC. And I have the antenna set to allow partial transmittions. My intall's a slightly modded one, but the stock experiments and DMagics' experiments are having the same problem. EDIT: Could be the outdated ScienceAlert. I'll try removing that when I get home.
  16. First: Once bought, you can download it on any supported OS through your Steam-account as many times as you please. This goes for any game you bought through Steam. Second: Linux is the only OS that currently supports a higher memory cap, ie. has a working x64 version of KSP. I'm using the unofficial x64 KSP community workaround on Windows, though I have toyed with the same idea. I'm a Linux n00b, however, so I didn't go through. You can find more info on the Linux 'how-to' here: (thank you, sal_vager and skeevy!) http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/92231-The-Linux-Thread%21 http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/98386-The-Other-Linux-Thread?p=1506880#post1506880 Hope this helps.
  17. Looks like the default Kerbin mountain texture. Now go rescue him...
  18. No problems encountered in 32-bit after installing FAR. I encountered this bug after installing FAR in the unofficial 64-bit version of KSP. What version of KSP are you running? I don't see ModularFlightIntegrator, a FAR dependency, in your list. Do you have it installed?
  19. I'm actually pretty surprised nobody (including myself...) suggested "Tiny Explosions" from The Presidents Of The United States Of America. RECTIFICATION IMMINENT! RAWK!
  20. This one? http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/98270-WIP-Plugin-0-3-3-Flight-Computer-Fully-automated-flight-programmable-via-VPL I can't find anywhere if it's discontinued or not... Might not be compatible with 1.0.4...
  21. I had this bug recently. It happened when I installed FAR on the KSP x64 workaround. I know FAR won't really work in 64 bit but I tried it anyway. I just deinstalled after I notice it didn't work. I'll delete ModuleManager and all its' configs and reinstall it tonight. I'll let you know. The other thing I haven't tried is installing RealChutes to counter the problem.
  22. If your not aversed to modding, you could trying to install Kerbal Joint Reinforcement: Slowly dials up external forces (gravity, centrifugal, coriolis) when on the surface of a planet, reducing the initial stress during loading. All parts and joints are strengthened heavily during physics loading (coming off of rails) to prevent Kraken attacks on ships I've got this mod and my planes still drop onto the runway from a height of about one meter. They don't break, though.
  23. I stopped counting after I crashed my first huge Munar rover, killing 14 kerbals in one go. Of course, that was back in 0.23. Many more deaths have occured since then but they never stuck with me as that first big disaster did. Poor Kerbals. I'd say it's in the triple digits somewhere, nowadays.
  24. You know how dangerous that can be, right? But it's an idea with merit. Small things like that make a universe seem dynamic and alive.
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