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Everything posted by kreutzkevic

  1. Depends on what you would like to accomplish, but I always tend to go with better electric charge generation and more science instruments.
  2. Awesome! Never knew where these things came from. I like my pretty baubles.
  3. One ticket please I'll be in the restaurant carriage getting hapilly ratted. The inevitable crash won't hurt as much.... Cheers!
  4. It has been done before: But this eats memory and frame rate like nobody's business.
  5. I usually just... (•_•) ( •_•)>âŒÂâ– -â– (âŒÂâ– _â– ) wing it.
  6. Or there's the unconsidered third option: 1.1 vastly improves memory management and this makes adding the second gas giant feasible. One of its moons could orbit retrograde... We can but hope
  7. Fair enough, and one of these seem like a likely candidate. Or Gilly. It would be awesome.
  8. Only for the EPIC launches Too bad it's so short... Or, you know,...
  9. Minor planets with orbital inclinations greater than 90° orbit in a retrograde direction. As of July 2015 there are 64 known retrograde minor planets. And Triton... (granted, not a comet nor asteroid) -------- It would also be cool to have one planet spin clockwise in stead of the boring counter-clockwise fashion (eg. Venus). Ooohhh, and Trojan asteroids.
  10. Memory limit in Windows. We'll see if we have "64 reasons to be excited" after the 1.1 release (cue dated meme)
  11. "Well, this could have gone better..."
  12. Playing 1.0.4 with Realism Overhaul and Real Solar System installed for the first time. .........it's so hard!.......
  13. I found this on Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/KerbalSpaceProgram/comments/2bfrbg/the_missing_manual/ -edit- Never mind. Link's broken. -edit 2- Still had it on my Google Drive. Here you go: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B8JouMGYES-hWTFUMEtWUWIyWmc/view?usp=sharing Its a bit dated (0.24.2) but the main concepts are unchanged.
  14. Anyway, take it easy, Pecan.
  15. Well, this is an interesting discussion but ultimately it is moot. It's based on rumour, hearsay and hope. All I know for sure is that €25.00 bought me hours and hours of fun and great gameplay. It is still the game I play the most, even after 3 years. I advocate patience, as always. It is much easier to complain using specific arguments than unfounded whining. Which doens't imply people should refrain from airing their views in a civilized and constructive manner. We are all greatly in love with this product, or we wouldn't be here. But I'm pretty sure Squad still is, too. Otherwise, they wouldn't bother with an engine upgrade after release, which is no mean feat. They could have taken the DF-9 route, after all...
  16. 147 Thousands die in the great "Snack Poisoning Incident" after the production engineer at Sean's Cannery mixes up the production lines of snacks and rocket fuel. Rocket fuel perfected two weeks later.
  17. Consider my curiosity piqued. Release the tableau forthwith, good man!
  18. I'll check it out when you release. Sounds like a nifty side app.
  19. 683: 'accidently' spill some thioacetone. Or some isonitrile.
  20. Well, the hail probed that car window. I guess this counts... HAIL PROBE! Don't get probed by hail, kids. It's like being probed by aliens, only colder!
  21. Here are this weeks' devnotes English > German > Icelandic > Latin > Creole > English Brilliant stuff. Felipe (Harvester) This is parallel to a stranger, all the things that were on the top, more days of the week, most of all the work that they used to be. UI works well, but could have been, however, much more complex than prove misleading. Well, now the course of the game is almost always what is best unit 5 is vocal sound signifying a whole month, or had, when we measure and could not do as much as they proceed, as some have the ruins of a large End, for the most part of the body is decorated by one of those riding the pipe To this day we depend on it. It will be very likely to be built until we have sealed the servants of God, who I hope, not only from a distance. All in all, a week of the most interesting, but a particular place in a loud crack, fall on us, that if a few months ago. Mike (mu) Stress is not available devnotes week. Marco (Samssonart) Very different weeks of the license agreement PS4 SDK simple sorting and working with children would be exposed in the trial, Ted replay our return to work. On one side of the board in a more well-known large Remo is doing and what we are in our office, we had a provision calling, but the tables of his back terrifying for me, make me wrong. Daniel (danRosas) I was in the void that the work of recent days. All right. Experience some shaders. Got a relieved with a little help: a Marco held it. Here we show our souls are uplifted and local movements. Everything seems cool now! This is why Kerb complete Kerbs, shouting to be specific. Some rockets land here. When I completed. Jim (Romfara) This week was the work of staff integration Knowledge Base. As it turns out six principles 5 place, as I wrote above extremes are furbished excel, which is 4, and 6 I wrote. To achieve this, the external knowledge base KB, and I wrote Apps-control in a way that not only on the order, and in the end, but it can be the subject of AppLauncher minimums. Max (MAXMaps) Refurbished Office Add a new place still needs to be perfected, and so look a little boring and sterile as an ornament which he can not, but I'm not sure we can throw in some of Kerbala confidence. Home Andrea Kasper is absolutely fantastic and it's many things to do a piece of data. Ted (Ted) Ted is currently on vacation, get a dose of sun per year, and his feet .blistering excursions. Kasper (KasperVld) Not long after the end of the seven referring. Mostly I helped start, Andrea, and as a man battling some banners and YouTubers get XP operating correctly when encountered some problems, especially after upgrading Windows 10 driver changes. Do not forget that in the coming weeks starting at 3 KPE. These things will twitch personality and live events Harvey HOCgaming YouTube and many others are trying to raise money for charity: water Rover from Duna to go to the North Pole and the Antarctic pole. The results of not more than $ 30,000 in the last two cases, the supply of clean water to the people. Ingredients do not have access to more than basic information, and comparison instructions are available on .http: //tiny.cc/KPE-3 Andrea (Badie) This is the first week, I wander is manager for the community of XP. Magnoque Kasper to meet people, I am grateful that we are so patient. Home surprised everyone. This week, I will try to learn a few XP, I felt better than I looked Scott Manley I am sad because they were very interested in the course but I hope they can help me.
  22. "I AM the data! Your puny intellect is no match for my magnificent AI! Feel my wrath!" I use all electrical power available to me to fire a high-voltage electrical arc in your direction...
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