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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. i notice that the mk3 adapter is just SLIGHTLY larger than a mk3 cross section on the bottom i also notice that the cockpit isn't a connected living space, which is probably unintentional great work though. kind of a shame that something in my personal set of mods (many of which i have tweaked myself) don't like the parts and it tends to crash the game every 3 or 4 flights upon loading the SPH. or maybe the parts pack is causing it on its own? worth it, though. i dunno, haven't had time to look at logs, probably won't bother unless it gets bad.
  2. Was Having issues last night with the long 2.5 meter bay overheating and exploding soon as my wheels touch the ground on the runway. I'm my airplane design, but only when it had the wings attached or the ore tank I was using as a test weight was mostly full. It may be mod interaction causing this, but the cargo bay exploded almost instantly upon being loaded on the runway. Which really, seems pretty bizarre since I use that part in rockets with more stress all the time.
  3. Love the planet. Only done a probe flyby so far but I plan to send a plane over.when I play tomorrow. Kruel is somewhat uninteresting in comparison, but that's not really a bad thing. I have no suggestions for improvements that aren't something ridiculous like an orbiting primordial black hole to pull crazy gravity assists off or something. I'm not even sure if ksp could handle a body with an event horizon, you would probably just go too fast and fly clear through it
  4. The mod is great but could really use slightly larger versions of the planetary adapter, since balancing out weight between fuel tanks on decent can be tricky. As well, an aerodynamic adapter from the module profile to the 1.25m and/or mark 2 profile would be nice. The parts also go pretty neatly connected bottom to bottom connected to 2.5m stuff. Some kind of adapter for that would be great. Great parts, though.
  5. I don't think the lightbulb is that OP at all, considering how heavy and expensive it is.As well as being deep enough in the community tech tree to be late game. It doesn't _fundamentally_ change the purpose of an interplanetary nuclear stage, it's just more efficient than using a bunch of NERVs to accomplish the same thing. In my opinion, the most game balance and style affecting engine is the RTG one. It allows for nuclear level ISPs on probes and upper stages. I like it, but If there's any one thing about it I would change, I'd say the gimballing should be scaled down a bit.
  6. Yeah, the balance of the engines was a bit questionable when you could fly around the world on a single small solar panel lol
  7. there is one other factor in their favor, which is how low profile they are. and i did only describe what i did for my game, im not saying that's what everyone should have to play
  8. these are quite nice. though the orbiter engines are a bit unbalanced, i knocked their isp down to 365 and doubled their mass in the configs for my game.
  9. You mean in kerbal engineer? That's because each engine has a small internal tank. The whole point of the mod is that a particle converter and a solar panel gives you literally infinite dV
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