So, i rarely post here but im gonna do so, cause i think this is a important things ... So we cannot have a mod because it use a small part of another mod that an author abandonned ? ... all these licence thing are going overboard i think as there is at least 3 mod that do the same thing over and over again but only a few add really cool feature and yours is the only one that seem to add clouds and stuff like that. Its stupid that you have to remove a link because you could not get the approbation of someone who is dead ... I just wanted to make my point of view that seem to be the logic here. There is already too much bureaucracy in our governement, why would a bunch of resonable person ( not in the governement ) bring that to a game to make stuff go bad or destrcuted because of a bunch of piece of paper. I mean sure the guy made an awesome mod, he quit the job, he forgot about it, and he left it to everyone to download ... if i quit and i d'ont want people to use my stuff, i remove the download link, delete my post or stuff like that. Yet they are all still up so, what is the problem in not asking a person that cannot be contacted if you can use something he discarded a few years ago ?