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Everything posted by Moh1336

  1. Super secret feature? A Delta-V calculator as stock in VAB please. I like most of the suggestions here. I would love an official Life Support addition though, currently use Roverdude's mods, but having an official system could lead to more community parts based around it which is always nice to have.
  2. Today saw the continuation of the Kerbal Science Station. All the science equipment was added, along with the life support systems. Due to the weight, I had to split the food/recycling arm into two parts rather than add more rocket boosters. Two scientists, a medic, and an engineer came with the first half for the food arm. The final two scientists came with the second half and had to space walk the last couple of hundred metres. Lining up and killing the relative velocity. Separated payload to bring in on RCS thrusters. That's enough for one day. Just the command arm to add and the last three Kerbals. I know it seems odd adding the command arm last, but these Kerbals are a bit weird like that. No one has told them we forgot to send up the escape pods yet. Probably best they don't know.
  3. Today I unlocked enough science to start building my Kerbal Science Station. Part one (the battery) went up first, it was supposed to have the rockomax 6-way connector but someone forgot to add it to the payload. Polar Orbit around 450k. Part two (the docking section & coms arrays) came up. Would have like to have docked it, but someone forgot to add the additional docking ports to the rockomax 6-way. Had to temporarily dock it with one of the shielded ports, to prevent drift. Thankfully I do have KIS & KAS installed. Part three saw the Crew Quarters section brought up, along with some docking ports. Naturally someone forgot the tools, but thankfully there were already some in the storage locker (the bit with the coms arrays is an inline storage thing) phew! While Bill (or is it Bob?) was out putting docking ports on all the bits he forgot to put them on before launch, the rocket decided to drift away. The Eagle-eyed amongst you might have spotted it in the North East corner about 752metres away. Fortunately there was still mono-propellent on the station from docking manoeuvrers to fill up his pack and get back to the rocket. Sure Valentina could have nipped back got him, but meh. Saves him right for forgetting all the docking ports. No need to deploy the solar arrays as yet, each section has it's own group of 1x1 Photovoltaic panels to keep charge during docking. These will likely be removed when the last section goes up along with the superfluous comm antennas. Still to come: The Command section, the science labs, and the life support pods. Oh yeah, and Kerbals.
  4. My naming is fairly simple, I name it what it is. I often take lengthy breaks, so it's just easier to name it by purpose so that when I come back to career I know exactly what is in orbit of X Y Z and what the crafts are without having to type lengthy descriptions. SSTOs I will give names in the Star Trek style of KSS X.
  5. When it comes to space craft exchange I do feel crafts are better when stock, simply because this opens them up to everybody whether they like/use mods or not. I certainly wouldn't consider it elitism, just common sense. But that doesn't mean I think they should all be stock either, there's some amazing craft out there that simply wouldn't be possible without mods. When in comes to elitism, that swings both ways. Some feel elitist for using stock only, others feel elitist because they use mods and this push the game to the limit to get the best out of it. Most of us just see these types as posterial orifices, when they try to push their views down people's throats. Generally speaking, so long as people are enjoying the game, regardless of how they choose to play, that is all that really matters.
  6. Today Jeb got bored and insisted Bill make him a Thunderbird S like plane.
  7. Mods that should be stock, at this point I know I am probably just repeating what has already been said, but you never know, someone might be keeping a tally. RoverDude. Rather than list all his mods, lets just say all his mods. I know life support is not everyone's cup of tea, but they can have a options setting just like the comms does now. Asteroid Day (why isn't it already?) Chatter Diverse Kerbal Heads/Texture Replacer as a whole. (Unless Kerbals are in fact clones, lets have some variety.) Draggable NavBall KER KIS KAS SCANsat Waypoint Manager NavBall Up as Default - There's several mods that have done this for the space map view, it really is a must. Alternatively, give us the option to set our own defaults. Mods that add good, useful parts like KW, like procedural mod.
  8. Today I have spent the day reworking last nights Mini-Space Station I made. It was a little "over complex" for my liking. On the Z axis we have a Cupola and 2 passenger modules that are "crew areas", followed by a small inline storage bay, 6-way connector, long storage bay, into crew passage way ((empty universal fuselage) I really don't like struts for connecting things. Like the Kerbals walk between the walls!) with 2 Jr docking ports, 4 shielded docking ports, rockomax adapter to a smaller universal fuuselage and shielded docking port designed for SSTOs. On the Y axis, battery banks, crew quarters with openable window shields and cupola. On the X axis, lots of science stuffs, and to the other side Life Support stuff, nom-o-matics/food/recyc etc. Then some antennae and solar panels. Naturally being shorter it's 100k more expensive. Last nights version had an additional 6-way below the first one at a 45degree turn. It's still unfinished, I need to add some lighting to the outside, some ladders for ease of access on EVAs, and of course the addition of docking ports as this will obviously be a multi-part launch and rendezvous style endeavour.
  9. Today was spent deciding on the best way to achieve some of my tourist contracts and a couple of other things. Trip one involved several Kerbals that wanted a Minmus Fly-by, Mun orbits, 2 Mun landings. While I had many Kerbals to get through, the first trip was more aimed at money. I had a nice little vessel that I had previously used for a Minmus Satellite, with a little retro-fitting, a 2 man passenger pod, some food, and a little extra delta V. Mr Mun Orbiter and Mrs Minmus Fly-By went on a many day adventure. Step one was the Minmus Fly-by, there was a little panic as we reached Minmus as there was a moment when we lost contact with the vessel as somebody decided to clear some clutter and land out satellite on Minmus and not bother to tell Gene about it. Fortunately all was well and as we came back on our approach we got a lovely Mun encounter, because kerbals are very smart this was entirely planned and certainly not a "see what happens when we get there" scenario as proven by the fact Bill and Bob did not spit-take their coffee on realising we got a Mun Orbit. The rest of the trip was mostly uneventful. With the money coming in from the last trip, it was decided a little science would be used to get some better tanks, some of which turned out to be nice big orange ones. With a nice new design, access to a 4 person passenger do-hickey and the 3 man command module. The last five tourists, accompanied this time by Jeb as Pilot, went on the hardest mission yet. Land tourists on the Mun... and bring them back. Pssh. Take-off was a slightly slower affair than expected as someone didn't do the math as effectively as possible, since there are no mechanised robotics help at this KSC. Still, enough Delta-V was there to get out of the atmosphere and begin a circulation burn. Upon looking at the projected flight plan neither Bill or Bob did a spit-take on realising that the Mun was perfectly positioned to go straight into a Trans Munar Injection burn without the need to circularise beforehand. Again, we at KSC are highly smart and this was totally planned. The rest of the trip was mostly uneventful going perfectly as planned, the Munar orbit, decent, Lystan moaning about his missing relief tube, the sudden and sharp direction change so our passengers could see the rim of a crater that we certainly would never had landed on 300metres from the ground, a lovely barrel roll to show off how awesome low gravity can be, and the jettisoned landing leg we surely didn't need. Jeb took the time to plant a flag to finish a contract, unfortunately the plaque he left with it was destroyed on takeoff, so there's no way for us to repeat what it said. With the completely successful trips, it was decided the final mission for the night would be to try and do a KSC first. Two completely different contracts at the same time. One was a mission to put a new satellite in a rather eccentric Mun orbit, while the other was to recover some weirdly named Kerbal from a low Mun orbit, which is odd because no one reported seeing him yesterday when we asked them if they saw a stranded astronaut while orbiting the Mun. Do to an unfortunate incident with Lystan falling eyeball first into Jeb's wrist, during a passive discussion about missing relief tubes. Jeb was unable to undergo the mission and decided to let Valentina take this one. With a little retrofitting, the removal of the side tanks and passenger compartment and the addition of a satellite in a fairing a fuel tank that we didn't need to mention, we had a nice set up. The Command module, a small skipper engine and small tank, intended for return and sub-orbital trajectory, the satellite fuel tank, some big orange tanks staged asparagus style, and some more big orange tanks. At the time, no one was sure how we would release the sat fuel tank. Whether the final engine would be used to get it into it's rather eccentric orbit, or if it would have to be released and use it's own small tank, and Valentina use the last stage to get into orbit and rescue the silly Kerbal stuck in space. As we approached the Mun, we realised we could line up with the descending node, the last main tank was on fumes, so Valentine made the call to stage the tank and release the satellite fuel tank, whose sides accidentally fell off, and manually control it into its designated orbit. This entire procedure seemed to go off without a single hitch. Valentina certainly did not use too much force in the stack separator sending it flying towards the staged fuel tank. She certainly didn't over correct with the thrust crashing it into her own fuel tank and nearly breaking off the antenna. After getting the, it really was just a fuel tank honest, into orbit and getting confirmation that it was in an acceptable orbit from the contractees, Val looked into altering her orbit into a keosentric orbit with a peri of 9000m and apo of 12,000m. This all seemed to go to plan, the usage of 8 days food to get this simple procedure done was stated to be because she was hungry. After a very short period of time, Val managed to get a rendezvous with the stricken vessel. Billy looked rather relieved, but was babbling about seeing relief tubes, landing gears, and ships flying past him for the last 2 weeks. Poor guy, clearly delirious.
  10. GeForce experience uses ALT+F12 for FPS overlay. I had the same issue after the new GeForce Experience update. Changing the shortcut allowed KSP Debug menu to function again. Worth checking.
  11. Did we attend the same Kerbal Airplane Training Course? This is generally how I do it as well. Build a plane that can get there, add any science stuff I have, let's face it. If you're going a long way from KSC, might as well make use of the journey and grab every thing you can. I will nearly always pack a parachute or two if there is a possibility the area is in a mountainous region, or somewhere that might not have the space for the plane to land safely. Quick saving is a must. No one wants to start over in planes, they take so long to get to the poles or half way around the planet. Once you land, quick save, do what ever needs to be done, QUICK SAVE. Then it's a choice, either walk, fly and "drive" to the next spot. Often times, if the next spot is only a few hundred metres to 2000 meters, I will use the plane as a land vehicle rather than attempting to take off and land again. It is a little bit slower, but it's also much safer. Just be wary, if you run and use physics warp I find the stationary plane will randomly explode (at least on 1.1). Make good use of quick saves. When the mission is done, if you plan to fly home rather than "recover vessel" make sure to quick save before take off. I honestly suggest not quick saving again until you are within eye sight of KSC. Worst case scenario you QS half way home over water, only to find that you don't have the fuel left to make it. At least in that case you will QLoad back to land and recover.
  12. Change that from 1 to 5. I believe that is what you're after aluc24.
  13. Today was an interesting day. I tend to rotate my kerbals, Jeb did the first Mun orbit, Val got the landing. Today the focus was Minmus, I sent Val off with as much science add I could, check out Minmus go orbital and get some science. All was going well, that is until our little rebel realised she had enough fuel to land. The next thing we know we have a communication black out, and fifteen minutes later we get ground photos of Minmus. To say jeb was livid would be an understatement, I think. Hard to say, he always has the same blank grin. To make it up to Jeb we decided to send him on a rescue mission. Oddly enough back to Minmus. After much work Jeb managed to get into orbit, only to find he was going the wrong way compared to the rescuee. Jeb took the opportunity to make his orbit perfectly match the other vessel. Then as they approached each other he thottled up, switched direction, and matched speed with the vessel in one attempt. And that's when Jeb discovered the vessel had no door. This hasn't been poor Jeb's week. After fighing the urge to get out and push her suborbital, he returned home. Shortly after arriving home a new mission to rescue a Kerbal stranded on the surface of Minmus came in. With jeb grounded for medical reasons, the job was given to val. Shortly after lift off Val was found locked in a locker. It seems Jeb, desperate to step foot on Minmus, had snuck into the rocket. Jeb showed his skill landing in a lake bed less than 2.5km from the stranded vessel. He took the time for a space walk, collected some science, planted a flag then did a quick burn to get within 1km. After meeting with the stranded kerbal, jeb realised he was a scientist and politely asked him to reset some of the experiments, though we have conflicting reports saying he would leave him behind if he didn't. After a few additional experiments, Jeb brought home over 800points of science and rescuedva Kerbal. We may over look the locker incident, and the report of rude hand gestures made while passing a kerbal stranded in minmus orbit. Now we've unlocked the claw it could be time to plan another reecue mission. (Apologies for any weird formatting, posted from phone)
  14. Today I went on a rescue mission. It just so happened that the two rescuees were fairly close together. So I decided to make some minor changes to a vessel I had been using to carry two passengers at a time to orbit and back to make sure it had enough fuel for orbital manoeuvrers. As an added bonus I realised my return path was fairly close to KSP. I was aiming for the water, but decided to burn off the extra fuel to slow me down more before ditching the last stage. 19.5km from KSP is good enough for me. Generally I just aim for water as I am not too good with planning my return landings. If it's not a mountain I'm usually happy with the result.
  15. I liked on your behalf. Because it's midnight and I have no self control left.
  16. It may be a joke. But it is also true. I checked the trademark directory.
  17. I wonder what they will call the prerelease branch. At this rate probably stalkertest. experimental updates don't interest me, give the small change, it was probably to fix the wheel issue mentioned a couple of hours ago.
  18. There was 4000 about 45mins ago dunno how many were guests though.
  19. KasperVld Viewing Topic: Kerbal Space Program 1.1 Hype Train Thread. Just now Oh my.
  20. I'm not a nice person, I just play one on the internet. *throws Kerbal shaped cupcakes at everyone*
  21. One second of silence in this thread is like an eternity for any other.
  22. Maybe they were fixing the broken wheels from the earlier build.
  23. Doesn't mean much, it's been updated several times today. Now if the update was called prerelbranch that would be grand.
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