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    Curious George
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    l like to play games and do some light coding like vbscript
  1. If this isn't working to you it's maybe because Guids are the same to fix it just use random.org to generate them Like this STATION { Guid = 5105f5a9-d628-41c6-ad4b-21154e8fc488 Name = Mission Control Latitude = -0.131331503391266 Longitude = -74.594841003418 Height = 75 Body = 1 Antennas { ANTENNA { Omni = 7.5E+07 } } } STATION { Guid = 5105f5a9-d628-41c6-ad4b-21154e8fc501 Name = Tracking Station 2 Latitude = 78.608117 Longitude = 147.491623 Height = 2817.58 Body = 1 Antennas { ANTENNA { Omni = 7.5E+07 } } } STATION { Guid = 779949d9-fb3c-f03b-210f7f1e26c1b112 Name = Tracking Station 3 Latitude = 20.45392 Longitude = -78.093832 Height = 3684.54 Body = 1 Antennas { ANTENNA { Omni = 7.5E+07 } } } STATION { Guid = 23dc0a7e-9c00-f889-ea6-288bd395f0fdc Name = Tracking Station 4 Latitude = 20.986161 Longitude = -117.304872 Height = 4204.48 Body = 1 Antennas { ANTENNA { Omni = 7.5E+07 } } } STATION { Guid = 0fa252b6-2100-9042-775-37-4fc44c803eb Name = Tracking Station 5 Latitude = 14.733632 Longitude = -127.017657 Height = 2999.19 Body = 1 Antennas { ANTENNA { Omni = 7.5E+07 } } } STATION { Guid = b0be10e8-7d8e-a754-7ab-74-4a938593275 Name = Tracking Station 6 Latitude = 16.043645 Longitude = -156.864196 Height = 4704.55 Body = 1 Antennas { ANTENNA { Omni = 7.5E+07 } } } STATION { Guid = 5af34413-fffc-471a-2126-177f901ae14b Name = Tracking Station 7 Latitude = 3.329209 Longitude = -37.145679 Height = 2230.51 Body = 1 Antennas { ANTENNA { Omni = 7.5E+07 } } } STATION { Guid = 860800c0-1ee6-8257-2e35-14e815f9b045 Name = KKVLA Latitude = 10.3559 Longitude = 227.3936 Height = 430.0 Body = 1 Antennas { ANTENNA { Omni = 10.5E+07 } } } STATION { Guid = d6e7ecb1-bf5c-2ffd-855a-db71cc26f580 Name = Arakebo Latitude = 8.2517 Longitude = 179.4219 Height = 430.0 Body = 1 Antennas { ANTENNA { Omni = 25.5E+07 } } } STATION { Guid = 6a7c75ae-1890-dc18-470a-cc10d1b0699f Name = Kosmodrome Latitude = 0.138 Longitude = 217.1527 Height = 430.0 Body = 1 Antennas { ANTENNA { Omni = 7.5E+07 } } } }
  2. SPEED CRAFT Max speed is unknown but min speed is 0 m/s ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Well as name says this is just craft and idea for it was from great guy and starting youtuber Jolly Roger Aerospace. Please support him. He is really doing great job and videos are great ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Some pictures/screenshots ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- INSTALL: l hope all know how to install crafts to the KerbalSpaceProgram (KSP). If no than there comes Read me file with the craft so don't worry And if you want more info to install crafts for KSP go here. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Works only with 1.1 for now maybe when 1.2 come out someday it will work for it maybe... l can't see into future DOWNLOAD: github -------------------------- Have a nice day Eepu
  3. l use 1.1 64bit it works normal but it just don't like my stations.
  4. l tryed second one but not first. Gona try first next day got to sleep you know
  5. It is still not working it only shows mission control and that's all
  6. Please can some one tell me what is wrong with this Stations please? And yes l did put them into RemoteTech Settings.cfg. Please tell me what is wrong with this.
  7. Don't want to that only one who don't know how to... but well way you tell how to install Alien Space Programs is well... to me it looks like mess and well can you please say like directions and other things. Because l get it like this you install well EveSpaceProgram then install scattererEve config but l don't get where to put it. You know those install tutorials needs to be fool proof and bla bla bla... and maybe that's why Scott Manley didn't use them l don't say he is fool but well l am not fool too but for real its better if you did like somewhere in your text like this INSTALL: SOMETHING SOMETHING SOMETHING C:\KerbalSpaceProgram\Gamedata Something something PS. Sorry for my english it's not my native language and please say how to install this mod l really want to try it Eepu
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