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Everything posted by GreenUFO13

  1. I have enough electric charge, a good enough antenna yet for some reason after aerobreaking, my ship becomes totally unresponsive. (Meaning I can't: Activate RCS, SAS or even control the damn thing.) I've even restarted KSP and that changes nothing. Really frustrating. Installed mods: Kerbal Alarm Clock, MechJeb, Kerbal Engineer, MechJeb and Kerbal Engineer for all, KeepItStraight, and PlanetShine,
  2. @klesh: CPU: Xeon E3 1231 V3 RAM 16 GB GPU: GTX 960 OS: Windows 10 x64 Build 14393.576
  3. I have an interesting issue: The volume of one of soundtrack's song's is basically near muted while the other song is normal. Does anyone have any idea what's causing this?
  4. Don't have pics, but I always manage to get to Duna and not have enough fuel to get back. My first Duna mission I forgot to add batteries and always ran out of power when I tried to send my science back home.
  5. @7499275 @cubinator @dangerhamster Thanks for the replies. I used @Nils277's solution and now have another KSP wallpaper.
  6. Does anyone have the 1.2 loading screens available for download?
  7. I would like to have my name changed to "GreenUFO13".
  8. My only issue is one of the game's music track is way too quiet.
  9. I had a maneuver node with a Duna encounter and "completed" the burn. However, the encounter vanished after closing out the maneuver node. Why does this happen?
  10. Any plans for 1.1.2? I keep getting a dialog telling me to use 1.1. Thanks for this very helpful mod. It makes my night time orbits pleasurable without electric hogs. (The Lights.)
  11. Basically, when you're in Orbit/Sub-Orbit and you're time warping, it slows down to 1x when you hit the atmosphere. However, when you're coming in from another planet, the game doesn't slow down time warp and allows your craft to crash into Kerbin. IMO, this is a bug that needs to be fixed.
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