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Everything posted by ddavis425

  1. Thanks for the update, definitely fixed my problem with the fire trails.
  2. Is there any way to render the map with the planet's actual color?
  3. The place that gives the signal is on Duna's south pole.
  4. I started in 0.13 so I have backups of every version from then to now, including a copy of 0.8 I got from the KSP tumblr page.
  5. I have a feeling that the image from Duna doesn't even mean anything. Maybe the image is all there is to it.
  6. So I found out that the effects only happen the first time I do a flight after opening the game. If I want to do another flight with those effects, I have to restart the game.
  7. I visited that during a school field trip, I have so much respect for those who risk their lives for the purpose of exploration and knowledge.
  8. I'm not sure what changed, but the heat shield effects suddenly started working for me. It may have something to do with my angle of reentry, normally I come in very shallow but this time I reentered at about a 20 degree angle. EDIT: Spoke too soon... now I'm back to only seeing the glowing heat shield. Not sure whether it is a graphics issue or not, but if it makes any difference my graphics card is a nVidia GeForce 550 Ti.
  9. Sorry about the necro-bump, but I uploaded a new version which (hopefully) fixes the issue of the engine ripping off. Original post has been updated.
  10. I had decoupled the pod and activated the heatshield in orbit around the Mun, Kerbin periapsis was ~10km. I used time warp to get from the Mun to Kerbin's atmosphere (not sure what warp setting, but I did use physical warp at one point). I just tried another flight, AP was 100km and PE was 20km, the heatshield glowed but never gave an effect. I'll try another flight without using time warp. Edit: I did several more flights, at varying speeds and angles, with and without time warp, and I still can't get any effects to show up other than the glowing heat shield. It still looks nice.
  11. I did a short suborbital flight to see the effects, but all I got was 2 puffs of smoke. I thought that I needed more speed, so I tried reentry from a Mun return trajectory. The heatshield got very bright, but I didn't see any flames
  12. I highly doubt that this is efficient, but if you don't want to worry about math, treat it like a rendezvous. Get your orbit to be identical to the planet's orbit, then raise/lower your AP/PE to speed up or slow down so you can catch up to it. Eventually you will get an encounter.
  13. Use a program such as RX-SSTV to decode the signal, it gives you an image
  14. Not sure if this is significant, but if you look closely at the red line, it is an arrow pointing to the pyramid.
  15. I went to the pyramid on Duna myself and made a few theories:
  16. I think that was just a part he made
  17. I also have been getting the black screen, and I have an nVidia card, however now when I use this mod it doesn't do anything at all. No flames, no black screen, it just acts as if it isn't there.
  18. So I was using a heatshield mod when suddenly this happens as I tried to reenter: I decided to restart the flight, but now the sky has vanished. I launched my ship, and then this happened when I got higher up: As I go even higher, it just gets worse. Slowly but surely, reality begins to fall apart. Jeb has transcended into a higher plane of existence.
  19. I really hope that the editor gets updated to 0.17, I want to be able to test landers before doing the whole trip
  20. Well that pretty much happens 24/7 in the IRC channel
  21. I can't attach the large aeroshell parachute at all, am I doing something wrong?
  22. Spent all day assembling this space station, there's a total of 7 ships docked together in this picture.
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