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Everything posted by ddavis425

  1. Trying to do stuff to hold me over until 0.16, did a quick sketch of Jebediah
  2. My state passes laws that harm humanity. Holy frack, I\'m North Carolinian!
  3. I heard that someone was doing a 'Far lands or bust' series, I googled it and found kurtjmac\'s channel. When I looked at the channel I saw some KSP videos, and that\'s pretty much how it happened.
  4. Tip: Pressing F11 takes a no-HUD screenshot so you don\'t have to manually disable it.
  5. To be honest, it\'s not really a challenge if you are allowed to change the part.cfg. I could easily make it have a huge amount of thrust with a miniscule burn rate and an unnoticable amount of weight, making it possible to launch and land on only 1 tank.
  6. Oh hey, that\'s my video And yes, it does need to be 0 inclination, or else your position will change over Kerbin.
  7. It would be cool to have, but only because it would glow at nighttime from all the plants ;P
  8. I\'ve found a bug that sometimes causes the decoupler to break the engine off. I think this has something to do with the increased ejection force when an engine is inside. I\'ll look into it and try to make a fixed version. EDIT: After some testing, it looks like the configuration I have in the pictures works, but if I add another fuel tank on the bottom stage, it will rip the engine off when ejected. Right now I haven\'t been able to pinpoint the cause so all I can say is keep the lower stage small.
  9. You don\'t have to create your own part if you don\'t want to, you can copy another part and modify its part.cfg.
  10. Right now there\'s no other way to load a plugin other than it being on a part.
  11. You can only have 1 ship at a time in the demo. I suggest trying to land on the Mun the old way using winglets before moving on to landing legs in the new version.
  12. It can be done with Kerbin, just get a ship to a 2,868,400 m orbit.
  13. This is a .cfg edit that adds a new node to the stock decoupler, allowing it to also function as a decoupler shroud for the lander engine. It still lets you attach things like the original does so no need to use two different decouplers on the same craft. Not a huge edit, this is pretty much just an aesthetic thing. KNOWN ISSUE: Decoupler ejects violently, currently don't have a solution for this. Download 1.1
  14. I think this program was specifically made to get good screenshots.
  15. It\'s not actually in orbit, it\'s just stationary above the surface.
  16. I knew the universe is finite, but there are so many galaxies in the game that I thought it would go on forever. I guess I underestimated the size of the universe lol
  17. After zooming way, waaay out, I found out that the universe is not infinite in the game, but shortly afterwards the program crashed :I
  18. Billions of light years from home and the view is still incredible.
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