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Everything posted by c4stor

  1. Hey Awwal, I discovered the same issue, not being able to transfer liquid fuel & oxidizer between two tanks of separate vessels while being docked directly inbetween those. However transfer EC, LifeSupport, etc. was possible across all other parts. I assume have R&D fully upgraded. First idea was that it is linked to Kerbal Attachement System, but problem did not occur in Sandbox mode. I resolved it, by disabling the resource transfer obeys crossfeed limitation in advanced options menu. This option is disabled in Sandbox mode. Since mostly into Planes and SSTO's, this is no problem for me, but this allows fuel flows in staged rockets which are not feasible from realism POV.
  2. In the beginning I thought than too after installing RealHeat. Returning MK1 Pod with 1.25 heatshield from LKO worked fine with ~70 ablator left. But when trying to return my 1.25m/1.5t unmanned science drone from mun with +7km/s, the ablator was totally melted before the aerobraking even started and the whole drone disintegrated within half a second. Still trying to figure out now, how to get my science from mun back to KSC
  3. Hi, i can confirm this bug. Experienced it with the Terrier like you while landing on the Mun but also while slowing down final descent on Kerbin. Seems like the gimbal deflects the oppossing way as the pod-internal gyro torque while heading retrograde which spins the vessel out of control above a certain thrustlevel. Locking the gimbal helps. KSP 1.0.4 32bit on Win7 Also using some mods, but none which alter the engines.
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