Hey there, love these parts so much that I've included every piece except the fairings(I use procedural) in my very nit picky installation (there's only a handful of squads parts still installed to give you an idea of how ruthless I've been cutting away at the fat in my part list). That being said I do have one problem, I know it's intentionally this way, but I don't like not being able to stage the decouples. I've got tweakable everything (with custom configs so it doesn't interfere with parts like the parachute docks) so I can make the part un-stageable by choice where I see fit. I'd prefer to have the choice. Also, with more recent KSP versions (I'm still using 1.0.2 for mods atm) the staging icon still appears, at launch when you get to the decoupler stage, a noise is made and the icon moves up into the next stage section, still not decoupling. I've tried changing "staged = false" in ModuleAnimatedDecoupler to true, but when I go to launch the parts after this change, they decouple as soon as physics loads at the launch site... If someone could point me to where exactly this behavior is programmed into SDHI so I can tweak it I would be mighty appreciative XD Again, if the mod author sees this post, thumbs up for the awesome mod, but consider what I've said about the way decouplers are now handled (I believe the stage icon wouldn't appear on old versions of KSP and decoupling was only available through right click and actions).