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Everything posted by Ricky_Jay

  1. Yea I thought as much. It was intended as a temporary fix for people concentrating on rockets. That's why I suggested to move the folder rather then delete it, but I guess I could of been more clear. As for the water problem, would it not make more sense to change the water TACLS uses to "Drinking Water" to show it has been treated and made safe for consumption, splitting up the resource like you wanted, but not into just "water" and "more water". That would make sense to me as a player anyway.
  2. It may sound counter productive to have 2 resources for the same thing, but that logic seems to make perfect sense to me. Especially if it fixes the intake problem, I'm not sure how it would though. EDIT (To avoid double post) I nearly forgot. Thanks to you pointing out the conflict was with AJE, I've got a temporary fix for people people experiencing the same intake problem causing very low fps in the space center and some of the buildings. Inside the AJE folder, there's another folder called "Inlets" If you delete/move this folder outside of your KSP install, the fps in the space center is fine and the error log that was spamming the debug menu has disappeared. I'm not sure how this will effect the flight dynamics of aircraft, but I'm more of a rocket guy myself XD. For completeness, the folder again is "Gamedata/AJE/Inlets".
  3. This has been a problem for me too... Unfortunately I can't uninstall AJEs as its a prereq for RO. Really liked the idea of doing a RP-0 career, starting of realistically in the 50s, then working my way all the way to warpdrive and other theoretical tech. If you could think of some kind of work around I would be in your debt XD oh and I have to say, fantastic work on this mod! There's still nothing that compares to it when it comes to realistic future tech.
  4. Thanks for the reply. I understand your reasoning behind designing the decouples like that but atm the staging icon appears and makes a disappointing "hiss" sound when you hit space. It kinda feels broken with this behaviour. I believe in older versions of KSP the staging icon would not be there at all. That at least would feel better even if I don't have the choice. I'm not asking for you to change the mood on my behalf, far from it. Just pointing out this incompatibility, as I know it's annoyed me and has confused other users posting here. It would be nice if you could point me to where this behavior is implemented though so I can customise my own version. I'm a games development student but I'm unfamiliar with the configs and my experiments have come to no avail... As for the Tweakable everything mod I found out about the incompatibility myself when making the modded install. If it wasn't for not being abe to animate parts in the VAB (WHYS QUAD WHY CANT I OPEN MY DAM SOLAR PANELS IN THE VAB!!!!) I would of just deleted it, but I've got rid of the Tweakable Everything configs and wrote my own. So far everything seems fine but if the incompatibility stems from the Tweakable's DLLs then I guess I'll have to do a test flight every time I want to see what a craft design with animated parts really looks like :'(. (If it is just the configs, I could give you a CFG that will take of the offending modules after TweakableEverything has run if you'd like?)
  5. Hey there, love these parts so much that I've included every piece except the fairings(I use procedural) in my very nit picky installation (there's only a handful of squads parts still installed to give you an idea of how ruthless I've been cutting away at the fat in my part list). That being said I do have one problem, I know it's intentionally this way, but I don't like not being able to stage the decouples. I've got tweakable everything (with custom configs so it doesn't interfere with parts like the parachute docks) so I can make the part un-stageable by choice where I see fit. I'd prefer to have the choice. Also, with more recent KSP versions (I'm still using 1.0.2 for mods atm) the staging icon still appears, at launch when you get to the decoupler stage, a noise is made and the icon moves up into the next stage section, still not decoupling. I've tried changing "staged = false" in ModuleAnimatedDecoupler to true, but when I go to launch the parts after this change, they decouple as soon as physics loads at the launch site... If someone could point me to where exactly this behavior is programmed into SDHI so I can tweak it I would be mighty appreciative XD Again, if the mod author sees this post, thumbs up for the awesome mod, but consider what I've said about the way decouplers are now handled (I believe the stage icon wouldn't appear on old versions of KSP and decoupling was only available through right click and actions).
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