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Token White Guy

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Everything posted by Token White Guy

  1. Nice. Christmas in July. ;D
  2. Episode 12 and 13 of my commentary series. Phase two of three from finding the monoliths.
  3. Landing rover (made out of Kosmos parts) on Minmus accomplished.
  4. I\'m working on a rover for my next mission and video. It\'s showing some crazy results.
  5. As always, a video promised is a video delivered. Now to get the vehicle home.
  6. Deep Space Vehicle Destiny on its way to the Sun. Video tomorrow.
  7. And? People post videos in here all the time. No one has objected to it, except you.
  8. Why don\'t you have flaps on the wings in the middle of your craft? It would have better lift.
  9. Video of my Kerbin Ascension. KSP has some buggy visual since I installed in on that SSD.
  10. Here are some pictures the Kerbin Ascension took during sundown and sunrise. Hope you guys enjoy. My jaw dropped. Such beauty from one game! ;D
  11. Launched a Mun Lab. It was a success but with some fail in it. =P
  12. I\'ve been working on my second giant structure to get in space recently (a giant Mun base). I\'m using the North Pole as a training area for testing Munar landings. So I have Mechjeb running through the landing procedure when something goes wrong. A support arm holding one of the four engines snaps. The loose engine flies up, crashes into the main cargo bay, and explodes. I hit the emergency abort button but it is already too late. The craft flips over and dives into the ground. Nothing is recoverable.
  13. I currently have a satellite with a periapsis of 408 KM and an apoapsis of 407 KM (give or take a couple hundred meters) that is traveling in a counterclockwise orbit around Kerban. What I\'m trying to do is launch a vehicle (that is acting as an anti-sat missile) that is traveling in a clockwise orbit to smash into the satellite (for shits and gigs). I match the orbits up almost perfect but the problem I\'m encountering is the height of the objects are off about 50 KM to 60 KM. My anti-sat payload is traveling right over the top of the satellite. Is there a way to perfectly match the orbital heights of both objects with MechJeb?
  14. Building the anti-sat missile now. I will launch it and record it maybe this afternoon or tomorrow morning.
  15. Nice find! Where is it located, roughly speaking?
  16. You\'ll need a bigger wingspan if you plan on going faster. I was playing around today and got a small plane going 1000 m/s off of boosters. Once I turned SAS off and tried to turn, the jet was like a paper plan in high wind. I\'m surprised it didn\'t break into pieces.
  17. I agree. 0.15 has brought me back to this game. Keep up the good work, Squad.
  18. I\'m thinking about backing up my current save for KSP and trying to shoot my KSL with an anti-satellite missile. Imagine the debris that would create.
  19. Launch was successful. Ran into a few bugs both in-game and recording during the process.
  20. I respect fellow LPers and what they do but I never monetize my videos of games out of the respect for the developers. It\'s their product being shown. Just because I put my voice behind it doesn\'t make the product my own. I would wait until Squad makes their judgment.
  21. A launch window is open tomorrow morning for this beauty. This is her without boosters. I will be recording the launch.
  22. How do you rotate? I\'m completely out of the loop.
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