I had this problem as well and it's not from Ferrari Aerospace which does actually have it's own heating bug, but Ferrams heating bug is much slower, this one blew my ship almost instantly at times. I also thought it was the cubical octagonal strut but I got rid of it and still had this happen while doing burns in orbit around the moon, for whatever reason it seemed to happen like 5 seconds before a burn, and it didn't matter if you slowed down time warp early and waited, once it ticked down my ship would glow red and explode in less than half a second. Good news is there's a fix that should work, or well, a workaround. Make sure you quick save a lot when this bug happens, basically what you need to do is go to the ship, then go back to the space center, get in any active ship or probe and after it loads go back to the space station, then go back to your ship and you should be able to make your next burn. Then quicksave and if it happens at the next burn just reapeat. After doing this the ship actually became fine, the next two burns went well, then I time accelerated through a few orbits and didn't explode. Most of my mods are visual like the city lights, clouds, distance object enhancement, and a sky box that's a hi res image of the galaxy, the only part mod I was using when it happened was DMagics Orbital Science which I love and as far as I can tell is not the cause of the problem.