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Everything posted by Jesse-Lacey

  1. Well, looks like future missions will be adding some radiators to the ships. Honestly though, it's kind of a low priority planet. It yields nice amounts of science, but it has little else to offer. The gas giants and their atmospheric moons look like some very nice targets for future manned missions.
  2. So I'm curious, has anyone managed to land on Thalia? I sent my favorite new probe there, it's one of the ones in the Bluedog pack. It manages almost 5k m/s Delta V with a monoprop engine, plus it's got a tank with another 3k to transfer from Gael with a decent vaccuum engine. Which means this thing can basically go anywhere, with a host of science since I'm using Kraken Science on my save. I sent it off to Thalia, I got out there pretty cheap I ditched the extra stage into the planet and started a fun 10 minute burn. My approach was pretty safe, about 100km above the surface which was fine. On my second pass I dropped down to 20km to get the near science near the planet and things started heating up. Luckily the probe escaped alive and the science was all collected. However it left me curious as to if it's even possible to land on. Edit: Found a video of someone doing it, so it's certainly possible, but not easy, and it doesn't seem you can stay long lol.
  3. Can't say enough about this mod, the attention to detail is unrivaled by other planetary packs. In honor of Cassini's final plunge into Saturn last night I decided to run a couple missions in game using the US Probe Pack. I sent one to Nero which ended up being kind of a slow boring mission. The other however went to Gauss, mission control decided they wanted to send the Huygens probe to Catullus. As Cassini made it's orbital insertion burn it had a chance encounter with Catullus, things were looking up. Cassini was set up to pass about 30km into Catullus' atmosphere and deployed Huygens without an issue before doing a correction burn that would eventually see it orbiting Catullus instead of Gauss. Huygens then sped through the atmosphere over 3km/s, but it turned out even with that thick atmosphere it would speed right through an continue off into space. Normally this wouldn't be an issue, on a subsequent pass it would surely dive deeper into the atmosphere with no hope of escape. Except for one thing... a moon, by the name of Tarsiss. Yes, I completely underestimated this little moons sphere of influence. In fact, I never even thought about an encounter with Tarsiss and well quite frankly Huygens was now set to go almost straight for the little moon. It turned out Huygens was not going to be the first probe to land on Catullus. The rest of the mission went really well. Huygens successfully landed on the little moon with a thick atmosphere, collecting the ever important science. Cassini collected science on the two moons, and mission control was quiet relieved. Awesome job on the mod. Also nice to see your pack on CKAN, I had already manually downloaded it when I saw it up there.
  4. The not time warping working around didn't work for me when I had this bug last week, the one that did is setting up the burn a minute before, switching to another ship in the tracking station, then going back to my ship and doing the burn. Quick save before and after each burn so if it happens again you can load and repeat the workaround. It worked for me multiple times on that ship, so hopefully that helps.
  5. I had this problem as well and it's not from Ferrari Aerospace which does actually have it's own heating bug, but Ferrams heating bug is much slower, this one blew my ship almost instantly at times. I also thought it was the cubical octagonal strut but I got rid of it and still had this happen while doing burns in orbit around the moon, for whatever reason it seemed to happen like 5 seconds before a burn, and it didn't matter if you slowed down time warp early and waited, once it ticked down my ship would glow red and explode in less than half a second. Good news is there's a fix that should work, or well, a workaround. Make sure you quick save a lot when this bug happens, basically what you need to do is go to the ship, then go back to the space center, get in any active ship or probe and after it loads go back to the space station, then go back to your ship and you should be able to make your next burn. Then quicksave and if it happens at the next burn just reapeat. After doing this the ship actually became fine, the next two burns went well, then I time accelerated through a few orbits and didn't explode. Most of my mods are visual like the city lights, clouds, distance object enhancement, and a sky box that's a hi res image of the galaxy, the only part mod I was using when it happened was DMagics Orbital Science which I love and as far as I can tell is not the cause of the problem.
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