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Everything posted by HöchstErbaulich

  1. I also just redownloaded the mod to check, and the PlanetsList.cfg still has the wrong line. I'm not making this up lol.
  2. It was only the line for Earth that was wrong. The rest looks fine.
  3. Thank you, that was it. I had to change the line "transformName = Kerbin" to "transformName = Earth" in PlanetsList.cfg.
  4. I downloaded SSRSS together with scatterer just yesterday from the link in the first page. Version 1.1.8.
  5. I have some really weird issues with this mod, I think it's scatterer not working correctly. It looks like the water textures are all messed up. Reinstalling didn't work and I have no other mods installed. Sunflare is working though.
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