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Her Imperial Majesty

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Everything posted by Her Imperial Majesty

  1. Is there an all-encompassing list of mods supported by RO? Asking because I went looking for something different from regular KSP after seeing a modded version and thought RO would be a good place to start out - but I can't seem to find out whether I can keep Mechjeb or if that will cause compatibility problems in the game. Thanks!
  2. I think I can now land without destroying anything serious, so I would like to go interplanetary - what is the best way for an efficient and quick transfer to Mars or Venes?
  3. I have been seeing a few screenshots around of stunning clouds and sunrises - apparently these come from some mods. Can anyone recommend some for me to use? There seem to be quite a multiplicity.
  4. Thanks Starwhip - these look awesome! Maybe once I get some more decent-looking craft you could do some more renders for me? Thanks!
  5. I find that classical music - particularly Bach, Tchaikovsky, and Mozart can be generally appropriate for most games Other music in games tends to break my concentration, except for games like EU4 that change the music based on the situation you are in - I suspect KSP did but I have not been using sound a lot.
  6. These look absolutely beautiful. Could I convince you to render this http://pastebin.com/gVcckEDj A friend and I did it together and I thought it would look really cool if you could touch it up a little No real ideas for how it should look other than maybe the stereotypical fighter squadron zooming off into the distance? That would require multiple planes of course and if that takes too long just do whatever you want, I'm sure you are more experienced than I am. Thanks! *I wasn't sure if I should upload the plane as a .craft file or as text - let me know if I did something wrong.
  7. Hi! I'm a relatively new player to KSP who had watched over others' backs as they played but not really tried it myself. I bought the game on Steam a little while ago and made orbit on my first try, if you can believe it. (I had a little help though). Anyways, I don't think I will be here a whole lot as I have a very good IRL resource to ask questions to, but if there are any scientific discussions about things I might put in a word, I have a bit of a background there If that guy who streams in 360p is around, your beard is cute.
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