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Everything posted by Epiphanic

  1. I decided to give this a try last night (installed via CKAN) and KSP-AVC said that this was compiled for KSP version 1.0.22. CKAN and the .version file say it's for KSP 1.0.5 and it seemed to work fine. Just a note.
  2. Kerbal Renamer by Regex does a good job. Whoops...I didn't realize this thread was over a year old. I thought it said 2016. My mistake..
  3. According to this thread, a kerbal's trait (Pilot, Engineer, Scientist) is a function of their name. So if you change their name in the persistent.sfs file, their occupation will also change. Ship Manifest has the ability to change a kerbal's trait without changing the name you see in the game.
  4. I really like the Snacks! take on life support. The "randomish" snack consumption adds a dimension that doesn't exist in other life support mods. I also have some potential ideas related to this exchange regarding kerbal traits. Each kerbal has two ratings, Stupidity and Courage. Instead of having snacking varience a function of both traits, simply making it a function of Stupidity. This trait should determine a kerbal's "snacking variance" (how many snacks are consumed each meal). The stupider the kerbal, the greater the variance. A 100% Stupid kerbal would either eat 0 snacks or 2 snacks each meal. A 0% Stupid kerbal would always eat 1 snack per meal. Perhaps some formula like Stupid/2 = probablility that 0 or 2 snacks are consumed and the remainder is 1 snack consumed. Courage would determine a kerbal's fortitude during a snack shortage. At meal time, a kerbal tries to eat some number of snacks. If there are not enough snacks, then that kerbal would have a "snack deficit" and would suffer ill-effects. There are two ill-effects: 1. Non-lethal - When under a snack deficit, a that kerbal suffers a delayed reaction. A larger deficit leads to a larger reaction delay. Perhaps something like [baseReactionDelay*SnackDeficit = EffectiveDelay]. EffectiveDelay would be mediated by some function of Courage. 2. Lethal - If a kerbal has a snack deficit" at meal time, he runs the risk of dying from hunger. Again, the larger the deficit the more likely of death. As an example, let's say that once a kerbal reaches a snack deficit of 10, he has a 100% risk of death. So a kerbal that has a snack deficit of 1 would have a 10% chance of death that meal time. At the next meal, that kerbal would have a 20% chance of death because he has a snack deficit of 2. This increases in a similar fashion until the limit (in this case, 10). A kerbal's Courage would lower that chance of death in a similar way it lowers it's reaction delay. If kerbal's have a snack deficit and gain access to more snacks, they will immediately consume enough snacks to bring them to 0 thus saving them from suffering any further ill-effects. Furthermore, these ill-effects could be set via a .cfg file allowing people to customize Snacks! to their liking (even perhaps turning off either or both of the ill-effects). Hopefully I've adequately described these suggestions and they wouldn't be too difficult to implement if you think they are a good idea.
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