I have a weird problem, my VAB and SPH don't have the concrete base and pylon in the menu. I realised this after updating KIS and KAS, but reverting didn't fix the issue and I seem to still have all other parts. Saved ships that had them in inventory still do, can be launched and then pylons placed as expected. I'm thinking that its a mod conflict but given my game has a 10min load time, posting here will hopefully be faster given the 50ish mods. Lucky they are listed in the OSE workshop build menu, so I can work around it for now. KSP: 1.0.4 (Unix) - Unity: 4.6.4f1 - OS: Linux 3.13 LinuxMint 17.1 64bit Filter Extensions - 2.3 Chatterer - Color Coded Canisters - 1.1.1 Community Resource Pack - 0.4.3 Connected Living Space - Contract Configurator - 1.5.1 Contract Pack: Anomaly Surveyor - 1.2.2 Contract Pack: Base Construction - 0.1.3 CC-CP-SCANSat - 0.5.2 Contract Pack: Field Research - 1.0.6 Contract Pack: Tourism Plus - 1.1.5 Contracts Window Plus - Crowd Sourced Science - 3.0 DMagic Orbital Science - 1.0.7 Firespitter - 7.1.4 Fuel Tanks Plus - 0.11.2 Interstellar Fuel Switch - 1.15 Kerbal Attachment System - 0.5.3 Kerbal Inventory System - 1.2 KSI: Placement Services - 0.1.5 KSP-AVC Plugin - 1.1.5 Kerbal Joint Reinforcement - 3.1.4 Infernal Robots - 0.21.3 Modular Rocket Systems - 1.7.3 EVAHandrailsPackContinued - 0.2 Near Future Electrical - 0.5.2 Final Frontier - QuickScroll - 1.3.1 QuickSearch - 1.1.3 RCS Build Aid - 0.7.2 SCANsat - 1.1.4 ShipManifest - SpaceY Lifters - 0.17.4 TextureReplacer - 2.4.7 Alternate Resource Panel - 2.7.2 Kerbal Alarm Clock - 3.4 TweakScale - 2.2.1 USI Alcubierre Drive - 0.2.1 Universal Storage - KSP Interstellar Extended - 1.2.6 Waypoint Manager - 2.3.4 OSE Workshop - 0.9.2 [x] Science! - 4.7 Kerbal Konstructs - 0.8