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Everything posted by tbarcello

  1. Overheat only at speed around mach 3. It doesn't show any signs of heating before that. But at alt 20km it gets to 1000m/s and suddenly heat gauge appears and filling fast. If i wait 3 seconds - boom. During flight at mach 2 engines perfom at around 150-200, but at 1000 they are at around 500 power.
  2. Thank you so much for detailed answer. You have just confirmed what my ascend profile looks like. I fly like this: it takes off at about 80, then speeds up very fast, so I keep it almost vertical. My ascent rule of thumb is speed = altitude (km) x 50, so I'll be going 300 at 6km, 500 at 10km, 800 at 16km, then 1000 at 20km... And then it always start getting too hot, and suddenly. So i throttle down to about 20%, so the temperature would not rise, and it will keep climbing and loosing speed, which means fail. Or, i egnite nukes and shut down ramjets. At that point my apoapsis is around 40 with time to apoapsis being 40 seconds and counting down, even at full nuke throttle. I guess that is the only problem.
  3. OMG, you must be incredible! Person is asking for mod, did you really have to flex your ksp skills? And moving as close to the object as you can IS the most of making same orbit, which you kindly ommited, not the retrograde burn, which every single player can do. - - - Updated - - - As Geher pointed out - mechjeb. Hohmann transfer to target, then when it's done, do the match planes with target and finally fine tune closest approach and match velocities with target.
  4. See,it is my problem. I'm delusional. But I guess that can't be fixed. I know what to do now, I have a plan in my head, just need to try it tonight. First, replace tail part to have 4 nukes. Second, add 2 more ramjets. Add more fuel. This will end up being too heavy and ugly and i will never use this craft again, i know... And you see? You said "running out of steam". I have problem with that statement, because my problem is heat. I never run out of steam, damn ramjets explode.
  5. Should i draw you a picture to demonstrate how CoM moves up, when radial tanks with engines connected far below the next stage of a craft? If u insist... http://imgur.com/rodtkr9 Blue is the rest of craft, the next stage after radials, which are red with green heavy engines. When u attach radials to the CoM of next stage, then you can empty them, and the CoM will move down till staged.
  6. Are you serious?! They don't?!! Goddamnit! How do i keep them cool then? I promise you, they never went to mach 4!
  7. The heating ceiling, i mean seriously whatta... - - - Updated - - - I'll have to speed up the development, my let's play footage is catching up already... I guess i don't have to start from scratch, do I? I mean i can just make 4 nukes and it will go, right? - - - Updated - - - What does "one less turbojet" mean?... Oh, that is interesting... Is one TJ is enough nowadays? .... Jesus! 2013th craft design advices... Don't wake a hulk in me!
  8. Yeah, ill have to rebuild the hell outta this craft to support at least 4 nukes. I was hoping jets will take me high enough...
  9. I mean, guys, I know, Rapiers and stuff, right? I know other engines and stuff, right? But this time it's all about having 0 oxidizer CAPACITY on the ctaft.
  10. Mach 3+. Does anything in KSP? - - - Updated - - - Probably nukes aren't enough powerful. I'll have to escalate it, oh boy... But please, just tell me this: what speed are you doing with ramjets? Because those explode from overheating above mach 3. You can see precoolers and radiators right there on the screenshot! I hate typing on phones! I'm so frustrated now! Aaaaaaarg!
  11. Trying to design SSTO. Getting SSTRTL. Need help. Please! It will go 12k, then i level and speed up till 1000, then pitch up and trottle down till out of air at about 35k. Nukes egnite at about 25k, because starting to loose speed due to throttle down. If don't throttle down engines overheat and explode at around 1100 m/s. Always. http://imgur.com/a/EUGGK Please, ... am i doing wrong??
  12. You are right! Woth no fairings this will be more difficult. I'd say 1.1 TWR will be safe.
  13. It will also not fall over if he'll keep the main engine on just enough to touch the sirface with i strut, if you choose to call it a landing. I'm talking about an actual landing here where you don't have to stay in vehicle and pull it up constantly until ran out of battery.
  14. It will fall over on the surface, sorry. It takes a very flat surface and percise controls to land something like that. Of i may suggest: put the same kind of lander capsule on top of the pottom lander with nothing between them. Your capsule has 8 sides: put 4 fuel tanks radially so they dont block the hatch. Then put 4 landing legs on those tanks. Then put a small tank under the capsule and put an engine. Make sure side tanks are low enough put for landing legs to touch the ground before the engine. Add reaction wheel. In case u have no reaction wheel - you'll have to replace the top landing capsule with the original one after all. Reenforce tanks with struts. Connect fuel line from 4 tanks to the small tank. Add batteries, solar panels and parachutes on tanks. Then save design and test in KSC. That's your lander.
  15. A thing of beauty! - - - Updated - - - On my youtube series i have ore operation set up on mun and minmus. Minmus is the best, because the gravity is so low and lander can easily deliver wherever you need it. But im also using KIS. Check it out.
  16. Had this bug fixed yesterday. If you have a huge base like that on another planet/moon, sometimes it gets eaten by kraken. In that case you have to load savefile. But if you progressed too far to go back, sometimes you decide to just copy VESSEL from an older savefile. But you don't know, that kerbal eaten by cracken is considered dead, and her name becomes available again. It's because kerbals are saved separately on the bottom of a savefile. Just find those Valentinas you don't need and delete from your savefile.
  17. Will you trust me if I'll tell you that if you'll put deployable radiators on this very ship, the heat will magically disappear?
  18. Yeah. I don't know when it was implemented, but that's the way it is now on 1.04. I like it tbh. It doesn't turn yor RL into a science farm, but also doesn't break your game if you need science, but finished Mun and Minmus already for example. So, each experiment has science points and research points.each lab has 2 resources:research and science, 500 max. The more research data u store in lab the faster ot will produce science. In my lab 2 scientists working and it has close to 500 research data. It's making 7+ science per day when lvl 2 + lvl 3 pair is working, and 3+ per day when lvl 2 + lvl 0 pair of scientists are working. I was checking this earlier today. Also i checked the possible methods for leaving only researchable data in the lab, and it's impossible without proper mod. Buy i also think it's not necessary, since research points aren't a problem.
  19. I can't see your engines, but you have 5 of them. No radiators, heat from engines cant go anywhere, just to spread all over the ship. Radiators are not luxury.
  20. Oh, i really wanna show you what happened to me yesterday when i was reinforcing with struts. And I can, because i got it ON VIDEO! I'll still have to upload it to my youTube channel. Same nickname, check it out on weekend, it will be in my fails playlist.
  21. Oh, nono, that doesn't work. Once process button pushed and research data passed to lab succesfully, that data will not have process button again, not in another lab or anywhere, unless there was some bug or cheat.
  22. You mean to take new data by "recollect" ? You bring or collect the data from scientific equipment, push process, it will add the research points to lab and the data window will appear on the screen again, but without process button this time. Now u can delete it.
  23. Difficult to say, but imho the center of lift is in front of center of mass on this thing. With such a power, it should be way behind. Then make sure you disable yaw and roll on those wings, enable just yaw on the tail and roll with reactive wheels if u got those. Also, be gentle with controls, press Caps Lock for that.
  24. I'm too lazy to actually check it myself, but i think, if u stored data in lander, clicked review data, then clicked research in lab, the research data AND the experiment data itself will be transferred to the lab. If the lab is already capped, then the experiment will stay there anyway. I'll check it just for fun tonight. It doesn't increase the experiment value, just converts research data into scientific data. Read Geschosskof's post, will you. And did you try my suggestion? - - - Updated - - - That's right. And a new data, although doesn't have science points anymore, still has the research points and can be added to lab for processong, and then just discarded immediately.
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