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Everything posted by OnkelUhu

  1. forget my post, found a easy way to fix it just install all things over ckan and than replace the folder cryotanks with the part what is avaiable here.
  2. hi nertea, i like your mods a lot but i handle it over ckan. at the moment i can't install kerbalatomics or cryoengines because it has a dependency to cryotanks and the version avaiable at ckan is 0.3.5 for ksp 1.2.2 and will crash during loading. I don't know if it is your task but it looks like that cryotanks is now part of kerbalatomics but this dependency didn't change in ckan. so how to fix it that i can play with cryoengines and kerbalatomics and install it over ckan?
  3. @ Freethinker thanks, so if i understood you correctly. the feature "solar wind" is under construction. and keep up that great work.
  4. hi, just a question to isru. Is there a documentation to that feature? I cant find anything how to collect the materials what i can produce, especially solarwind. how to collect and store?
  5. all fine, just want to tell you that you know about the small problem. by the way like your mods very much nertea. thanks
  6. hi nertea, waiting long for the update to ksp 1.1.3 but one small issue. It is not avaiable over ckan. the version 2.2.1 is linked to ksp version 1.0.5 possible to fix that? regards uhu
  7. hi, can't donwload last version (1.8.28 ) over ckan. -> Failed to download "https://spacedock.info/mod/172/KSP Interstellar Extended/download/1.8.28" - error: not a problem at the moment just that you now about.
  8. @EnigmaG I have a similar problem like seeker89. since i change to 1.6.9. some parts are avaible in sandbox mode but not in science or career mode. For example the collider experiment. but it looks strange. in a old save game it is visible in the tech tree but not in VAB. already existing ships with the collider are also working but I can't build new. in sandbox mode all looks fine.
  9. Hi Profit, thanks for your answer, I read about the bug, and i found a way to life with that don't worry. My problem was, that some parts are also missing in the wiki and at the moment i test around to learn by myself how things work. Just an idea for your project. release some tuorials and link it here to that thread so maybe it is easier for newcomers like me.
  10. Hi, great work to your mod. But hard to get in that topic. I checked the documentation and the wiki. But it looks a little bit outdated. I try to find some informations about the orbital supercollider but i can't find anything how it works. Maybe someone can explain it or update the wiki/documentation?
  11. Hi, i want to ask if it is planed to use the steam-workshop for mods because it is very common for nearly all games supported by steam.
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