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  1. KSP2 is still completely unplayable for me with how buggy, unoptimized and just awkward the VAB builder is, plus the lack of part variants and 1.825m parts. It will probably never get fixed or added to either. No reason to play it instead of just modding KSP1.
  2. The worst part about this is that KSP1 has the option to move the Navball left or right, so like many things, KSP2 took a step backwards.
  3. The proper solution to that is adding the ability to rearrange the UI so each player has the ability to customize it to their liking.
  4. The biggest reason it failed for me was them changing things from KSP1 that didn't need changing. I'm big into building rockets, less big into long and intricate mission, and to me the biggest hindrance to my enjoyment of the game was all the stuff they changed in the VAB. Fairings: I cannot get used to the new way to build fairings. It's buggy, takes way too many clicks to use and refuses to let me close them whenever I tried to use them as interstages or the like. Also I cannot seem to find a way to disable angle snapping on them so I cannot make smooth gradients because it always snaps to 90 degrees when I get to close. This more than anything has been an absolute dealbreaker. Having it open on mouse-hover also works far worse than in KSP1. Staging: It's also buggy, sometimes I just doesn't react to my mouse clicks or doesn't swap stages when I'm trying to move them around. The readability is also just way, way worse. Having the actual stages float with your mouse when you move is infinitely better than the red and green dotted lines that KSP2 has. I have no idea why they'd change this. Parts Manager: It has a place in the game, but NOT as the right-click menu. When I right-click on a part, I want the options for just that part (and it's symmetries), not the entire part list. I slows down performance and massively clutters up the screen. It's also annoying having to close it every single time manually. Camera Controls: I prefer the controls of KSP1, but that's just a matter of knowing them by heart after 2k hours playtime. The issue with KSP2 camera controls are just that they're so buggy, with my camera randomly re-centering on my craft whenever I don't want to. Craft Saving: I thought the old system was simpler and more streamlined in usage. I massively prefer individual craft files categorized by folders instead of cramming multiple crafts into a single workspace. Part Variants: I sorely miss part variants, especially the Bare engines because they make building good looking rockets so, so much easier and in general make rockets look better when combined with Engine Plates. 1.875m Parts: By far the best parts to build good looking rockets with imo. The gap between 1.25m and 2.5m is just too big and these parts fit perfectly in between. I hate that they didn't add this size into the game.
  5. Wow, I haven't seen this clip before. That looks amazing! Seeing their little (big) heads bob around like that is going to be so much fun.
  6. I think IM could work, standing for 'intermediate'
  7. I have 2 questions; 1. Will part variants return? As much as I like how the engines look, I'd love variants without boattails, for example. 2. Will Making History or 1.875m parts and engines be added to the game?
  8. Coming at this from the perspective of someone who just loves designing new crafts or creating replicas of actual rockets and spacecraft, having Procedural Solar Panels would vastly increase creative options and make it possible to create the perfect look I'm going after. So it's not really just very big solar panels, but also just ones not shaped like the default options.
  9. That just sounds like needlessly overcomplicating the Steam Inventory system. CS:GO has managed handling unique, rare and tradeable items just fine without blockchain and NFT's. I still cannot think of a single example where using blockchain technology in any way is of benefit to anyone other than developers seeking to use it to squeeze more money out of their players. All it seeks to do is financialize even more of our lives, which is the absolute last thing we should want. I play games to have fun and as a distraction, not to have play-to-earn business models shoved down my throat... It's frankly ridiculous to me that people are even seeking ways to monetize playing video games in this way.
  10. Adding NFT's or other crypto-nonsense is one the best and fastest ways to make sure this franchise dies at the first installment. They add less than nothing and make every single game or industry that uses them objectively worse in every way. EDIT: For anyone still on the fence about NFT's and crypto, watch this video to have all your doubts quickly taken away and replaced with warranted disgust for the entire concept. They really aren't though.
  11. Yeah, you got that pretty backwards. You pay for a working product. If it doesn't work properly, it should be fixed without extra charges. Having to pay for bug fixes is a ridiculous concept.
  12. Not really that miffed about this, but it does make me wonder how on Earth they were originally planning to release it in Spring 2020.
  13. I'm a bit disappointed we didn't get a bare variant of the new Poodle variant. That would have solved all my upper stage engine woes. Is there a possibility for this to be added in a future update?
  14. Nah, we need the option for both because the orange one was awesome.
  15. Go to the first page of this thread and read the fourth comment. That's me, making a case against the points you brought up in the OP in a semi-lengthy comment positing multiple counter-arguments. And last time I checked, you were the one to never respond to those arguments, so please don't go around saying stuff like "you simply have no counterarguments and are upset about it. Customarily that's considered conceding a debate", because that's factually untrue.
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