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Everything posted by Layereddiagram

  1. How even.. Their "evidence" is just a bunch of unconnected space news that shares a word with their conspiracy theory! The sheer lack of common sense is staggering. I am now dead inside. And on a slightly less related note, the whole "rockets don't work in space" is just pure ignorance. How do you get Newton's third law, something that is easily testable with two people and two office chairs, wrong.
  2. I think it would get annoying. It's in the same vein as some of the things that wouldn't go well in the stock game but are great in realism mods. Like the need for ullage burns and limited numbers of ignitions. ( you do mean that it would be hard to pin down in the tracking station and map views, right? )
  3. If KSP is to be kept a game with any hint of realism, then this is impossible. KSP is supposed to use current/near future tech, and if they used non-speculative propulsion methods ( project Orion or project Daedalus ) and used a 1/11 scaled down Galaxy, the burn times would measure in years. Its kind of like taking an ordinary racing game with a normal track and then suddenly having a intercontinental race across the Atlantic ocean. (sorry if this seems rude )
  4. As long as it's hard sci-fi with all of the humor they should be fine.
  5. I was thinking less Vesta shaped and more Eros shaped.
  6. Drehz. Although the pronunciations should be up to the player.
  7. So this is like the best way it could have failed right? This is a flawed part that another company made that didn't even have any design problems. Not a massively flawed part/design made by Spacex that would give the rest of the world the impression that they can't do their job. Unless I don't understand how this works.
  8. This doesn't anger me. What does is that people give NASA a minuscule budget, yet complain when they get nothing done. ...And also that that looks nothing like the ISS.
  9. This whole thing seems analogous to buying a lottery ticket. Spend a small chunk of a budget in the off chance that we hit the jackpot. Except in this case the prize has immeasurable value. I'd say it's worth it.
  10. The capsule is a little off, but the rest is spot on. Much better than anything I could do.
  11. In a few YouTube videos and some streams I have seen people move an entire spacecraft by clicking on a part that isn't the root. E.g. Clicking on a booster and moving the whole rocket. What key combination is used to do that?
  12. This would be great for distinguishing the launcher from the mission. Kind of like how the booster was called the Saturn V and the payload was called Apollo.
  13. I will never get enough of jokes about pluto's heart:D
  14. Oh man! This is a brilliant idea! I've always disliked how cluttered the tracking station was, but it never occurred to me that that problem could be solved.
  15. I don't know of any either. I would assume that the limiting factor would be creating something that irregular and (relatively) small without causing glitches and bugs. Plus something that size would have practically non-existent gravity or none at all and due to its non spherical shape, they wouldn't be able to just have gravity radiating from a point at the center. Those are just guesses though. I have the same level of knowledge about coding as a fuel tank.
  16. Even though this would probably be impossible, it would be really cool to have subsurface oceans on icy moons/planets like Vall.
  17. Oops, I just realized that asteroids were on the "what not to suggest list" under the same bullet as new planets, stars e.t.c. shh! Don't tell anyone.
  18. This is less of a revert and more of an adapt type solution, but the 1.0.x aero is actually easier than .90's once you get used to it. Try to do a gradual gravity turn and put fins on the bottom your craft.
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