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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. Okay, I wasn't sure if that would be the only way to do it.
  2. Are there any good engine packs for low-thrust, upper-stage engines? Because the only ones that I have either give a TWR of 7 or .05.
  3. Make sure that ckan.exe is in the correct folder. If you're just booting up terminal and you haven't moved ckan from where it normally ends up (probably downloads), you either need to move it to your user directory, or change the directory you're on to the one that ckan is in. This can be done with the cd command. All you need to do is type in cd downloads (assuming ckan is in downloads) and then mono ckan.exe
  4. On the recommended mods list, you put down TACLS and Snacks for life support. How much of a difference in gameplay do the two mods have? Are there plans for USI LS support?
  5. Thanks for the advice! That's what I was thinking as well, but just about every one of my crafts manages to come in at around 17 degrees so I wasn't sure if that would be better.
  6. Hey all, So I'm filling a contract to build and Eve Station and I want to continue using it afterwards. What's the best inclination for it to receive incoming spacecraft from Kerbin for refueling as well as a staging area for a landing attempt? Thanks
  7. Hi, So I was launching an Ore Mining Mission to the Mun, and because of the large mass of the craft, I had to use 3.5m parts. But whenever I had to stage my craft to use a Rhino Engine, the game crashed. Every time. Eventually I tried using a 2.5m decoupler instead and the problem went away. Any advice?
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