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The White Guardian

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Everything posted by The White Guardian

  1. Little beauty shot here for everyone: Evolution + upgraded ring shader
  2. If y'all thought that that last change was an improvement... Because Imgur hates me, it'll take me a few moments to get you all a picture, but I added two new features to the rings. - Dust is now filtered in up-close to make the rings truly exceptional - You can now set a 'culling distance'. IE, if you get within this distance, the rings will start fading gradually. No more ugly clipping when a spacecraft intersects the rings!
  3. *whispers back* thank you, and GN compatibility is built in!
  4. @Drew Kerman I've resumed work on the upgraded ring shader. And I have news for pretty much everyone. They say an image speaks a thousand words, well, I'll let images speak first then. Dev shots: Final product: It's a slight edit, adding a few lines to @blackrack's original shader to filter in detail. This detail uses a single texture that is applied twice. The detail texture, filter distance and texture scale are all user-configurable. To be specific: detailTex = X //filepath to the detail tex pass1 = X,Y //x = minimum distance between camera and rings for detail level 1. y = detail level 1 tex scale pass2 = X,Y //x = minimum distance between camera and rings for detail level 2. y = detail level 2 tex scale As you can see, there are two levels of detail. Level 1 is designed to be used when the camera is near the rings, but not about to pass through. This way you can filter out pixel-iness and keep the rings detailed. Detail level 2 is for when you're close enough to touch the rings, so the rings look immensely detailed even at very close range. Future ideas: - Emission texture: let parts of your rings glow in the dark! - Up-close grainy noise or particles
  5. No, not at all, in fact it seems like that website hates me. (I get a 'gateway error' or some crap like that every five minutes and have to reset firefox to fix it. It'll re-appear though and I really don't know why)
  6. I am working on that feature, yes. As for Cyran, yes, it's busted in its current form, but the first thing I'm doing is finishing Evolution. After that I'll be taking a look at Cyran, Kerbol Origins and Arkas.
  7. @Gameslinx KONO EPICNESS DA (Translation: you were expecting a bug report, but it was me, epicness!")
  8. tbh I haven't worked on Kerbol Origins in months... 0_0' I'm currently juggling several projects at once, but I'll give KO some love as soon as time permits it.
  9. @Jeb's Pirotecnics Guy @kjack1111 I have currently halted development on all of my mods because of a series of exams. I will in fact be taking the first of these exams tomorrow. The last one will be Thursday, January 25th. Ergo, I will be resuming work then. As for the status - I am indeed reworking the scatterer configs. Some in fact work pretty well now! Besides that, I have yet to finish the biome maps and science definitions, and this is going to take a while.
  10. I can safely assure you - it is not a hardware related error. If it were a matter of memory lacking, KSP would just slow down, not error. A game works by executing all necessary code before rendering an image, which is then passed on to the screen. KS3P makes a few changes to this image, so somewhere a conflict must have occurred. Why this is, I do not know, but I will get to the bottom of it.
  11. Actually its on hold because of KS3P and Evolution, as well as the fact that I was having trouble compiling Kopernicus. I'll test it in-game soon.
  12. @Rocket In My Pocket Thank you for narrowing it down to a mod conflict. That means that the problem lies in camera targeting interaction. I'll check out the mods you have installed by digging through the mod DLL files that ModuleManager found, as reported in the log file. That way I can check if they could cause strange behavior with KS3P
  13. First off, sorry I forgot to cover this the first time I replied to your post. Anyhow, it's very simple. 1. You'll need to install Unity Engine 5.4.0p4, which you can find here. (click the link below the header 'Unity Editor Download Assistant' that matches the operating system of your computer) 2. Besides Unity Engine, you'll need to create a Unity account. Worry not, Unity Technologies won't charge you for using the Unity Engine unless you are making money with games made using Unity Engine. 3. Once everything has been set up, open up Unity. You may be prompted to log in. Once you have, click the 'New' button. This will create a new project. 4. You'll be greeted by a scene that is empty save for a few basic things, among them a camera. We're not going to do anything with these items just yet. 5. Head over to the 'Asset Store' tab, it should be besides the Scene and Game view. If not, go to Window -> Asset Store (or press CTRL + 9 on Windows) 6. Once the asset store has loaded, head to the search bar and search with the search term 'postprocessing'. 7. Don't be intimidated by the amount of results. There should be a few sliders and buttons on your screen. Click the one reading 'FREE ONLY'. This should lower the amount of results significantly. Look for the asset reading 'Post Processing Stack', by 'Unity Technologies', and click on the name of the asset once you've found it. 8. Press the download/import button to add it to your account and load it into your game scene. (hint: you can always re-download and/or re-import purchased items by heading to the Download Manager, the icon of an arrow pointing at a box in the toolbar, it should be in between the house and the shopping cart icons) 9. Once it has been added to your 'game' (there should be a folder called 'PostProcessing' in the Assets folder of your Unity project), we're going to add something to the camera. If there is no camera in your scene, head to the toolbar and select GameObject -> Camera. 10. Click on the camera, and move your attention to the Inspector window, which should now be filled with all sorts of info about this camera. There should be a Transform component (camera position), a Camera component (renders to the screen), a GUI Layer, a Flare Layer and an Audio Listener. Ignore all of them, and click the shiny 'Add Component' button. A small menu should appear. Head to 'Effects' and select 'Post Processing Behaviour (Script)'. 11. A new component will be added to the camera. This component will have one entry named Profile, which will have nothing assigned to it. Head to the Project tab (which should show all of the data inside the Assets folder of your Unity project), and right click in the large menu box (with the word Assets) written above it in bold). Another small menu should appear. Head to Create and select 'Post-Processing Profile'. You can give it a name, but it doesn't matter. 12. Next, we re-select the camera. You know, the one with the 'Post-Processing Behaviour' component. Simply click on the camera and the Inspector window should show all of that GameObject's components again. Drag (NOTE: DO NOT CLICK AND THEN DRAG, DRAG IMMEDIATELY) the newly created 'Post-Processing Profile' into the slot that reads 'None (Post Processing Profile)'. 13. Lastly, we click on the Post-Processing profile that has been assigned to the camera object. Here, we can freely mess with the settings. To see the effects just right, select the Game view. You can spawn in some gameobjects and move them into view to see how they look with the camera effects. That would be most helpful. If the blue background occurs - close KSP IMMEDIATELY and send me the logfile 'KSP.txt'. That way I can read through the last few lines of log entries to check for where the error occurred.
  14. It's okay, I'm very happy the mod works now on your end. In any case, I'm always happy to help, and I hope you have fun with KS3P.
  15. @Rune looks like a an incorrect installation. I see the following in the config: KS3P is missing from the list. I expected to see KS3P throwing exceptions, but instead KS3P is not executed at all. I do not know why this is. Looking at your GameData screenshot however I notice that the KS3P folder is missing. Are you positive that the mod has been installed?
  16. Huh??? That shouldn't be possible - I tested it locally and it works fine on my end Try bumping up the settings in the config file - navigate to [KSP Directory]/GameData/KS3P and open up Config.cfg. Navigate to the SETUP node that is followed by 'KerbalSpaceCenter'. In this SETUP node, navigate to the Bloom node and set the value of Dirt_Intensity to 25. This will result in an overkill effect of the lens dirt in the space center view, that is, if the mod works. If it works, the effect should be very, very noticeable, if not there should be no difference. In case there is no difference, could you send me the file [KSP Directory]/KSP.txt? KSP.txt is where the game - and KS3P - logs all it does. If something weird happens, that's where I'll find the issue. I do plan on adding an in-game editor, but there are three problems with that. 1. I have no idea how to do that, so I'll have to learn all of that first. 2. It requires a rewrite of KS3P 3. I want to fix the camera issues first. (I really don't know what's going on with the cameras atm, it should work just fine)
  17. I'm running TRR + custom skybox + EVE, and I still never had the blue world issue. I really don't know whats going on here, so I'm rolling KS3P back to a previous, stable state. Sorry once again about all these stupid camera issues, folks. Released KS3P V3.1, could people affected by the blue screen bug check if the issue persists?
  18. Alright, I'll be doing another camera support rollback, removing the galaxy camera and orbit view cameras, this time indefinitely. Outdated KSP versions are not officially supported, and I do not expect KS3P, a mod compiled against KSP 1.3.1, to work with older versions. You can always try, but I wouldn't bet on it. (What I find so strange though is that I've never encountered this blue screen bug myself... not once...)
  19. Can anyone that was having the 'no-effect' issue in V2.2 check if this issue is resolved in V3.0? It should work on all systems, but I want to be certain that I got rid of this issue for good, for each platform.
  20. The problem is the shader targeting. INSTANTIATOR internally runs 'Shader.Find()' to target a shader, and for this to succeed, you must feed it a valid shader path. In Unity, 'Unlit' is a group consisting of four shaders, the one you're likely looking for is 'Unlit/Transparent'. Give that a try and see what happens. Ergo, change the Shader entry from 'Shader = Unlit' To 'Shader = Unlit/Transparent'
  21. The last two versions of KS3P had stupid bugs. I've been testing update V3.0 for public release (passing with flying colors btw so I'm releasing it in a matter of hours). I don't know how WD could have mistaken it for a trojan and I'm genuinely surprised that it did - none of the code has anything to do with modifying anything at all on the computer. Then again WD is an absolute joke. Well, if I'd get a dollar for every time a Microsoft 'fix' ends up making things ten times worse, I could start my own game creation studio. KS3P V3.0 released. - Fixed a bug causing post-processing effects to not display on some systems - Drastically improved the accuracy of the camera targeter - Adding post-processing effects to the skybox is now possible
  22. @Gameslinx's Planet Overhaul, for example, uses INSTANTIATOR to add an accretion disk to Olu'um. INSTANTIATOR is indeed a tool for other modders to enrich their mods. It's in Unity units, and those are up to the game to define. I'm personally not sure as to what scale the INSTANTIATOR 'scale' would be, it's mostly a trial and error process currently.
  23. I've already found the problem. I wrote a quick plugin that, through something called a 'Coroutine', reports a list of all active cameras and all data I need to know about them, every 10 seconds. This has provided me with invaluable insight - the current targeting method for KS3P is wrong yet again. Apparently KSP has: - Two cameras rendering for the UI (one of which is being targeted by accident instead of the main camera in KS3P V2.2) - Two main cameras (which are targeted in KS3P V2.0 and below) which are inactive in map view and tracking station Because I know now the names and tags of all active cameras in KSP, I have updated KS3P to: - Target the right cameras per scene - Apply post-processing to the skybox as well (not that handy for bloom, but tonemapping may yield nice results) I'll release KS3P V3.0, which includes this highly accurate per-scene targeting method, tomorrow. Last thing to say - I wish you all a happy 2018! (And also - sorry about all of the camera inconvenience lately. KSP's camera setup is weird.)
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