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Everything posted by Walden95

  1. The "KR-1M-V 'Sphinx' Liquid Fuel Engine" from "Near Future Launch Vehicles" does not show up in the tech tree. I suspect there are others, but that one is noticeably missing. Edit: On second thought, it might not be this mod's fault since it doesn't seem to show up on the community tech tree either. Edit 2: It seems Nerta soft depreciated these engines, False alarm. With the fix either being use the version before the ones suggested in the thread, or the following
  2. Much Appreciated! I use CKAN for 95% of my mod set, and it seems that the CKAN Contract Configurator automatically uses the KSP-RO/ContractConfigurator fork. Unless you meant a fork of the KSP-RO/ContractConfigurator, which I find unlikely given lack of a git push history on those (Older than latest version v2.11.0.0). I looked into the save, but unfortunately found that the issue is still not resolved with v2.11.0.0. On a positive note, I have moved on with an alternative game and mod set and this save has worked for several months beyond the old game. The main difference between my old mod set and the new one being the following: - Use "Career Evolution" + "Unkerballed Start" instead of "Probes Before Crew" So maybe don't use Probes Before Crew. Probes before crew seems to rename craft details on the fly which may or may not be a problem.
  3. Doing a deeper dive, I've found an earlier save (day 52) which has the contracts offered on save load, but won't generate new contracts thereafter. All saves later than day 52 never generated contracts, but saves before this date work without issue. Contracts not generating is consistent with over 2h of trying to get it to work. Using the dev tool to clear all contracts and trying to re-accomplish the prerequisites does not work. Moving forward time does not work (I modified the config so "rng" has a more favorable value). I'm gonna assume a bit flip happened somewhere during the save and now there is value check that can no longer resolve properly. If that is case, then this may be an issue with Contract Configurator. I'll let you know if I re-encounter this issue with the rolled-back save.
  4. Much appreciated. Also, I've been looking into the configuration files for my own playthroughs: Modifications and bugfixing. One of the issues I currently have is this mod not spawning contracts despite all conditions being met. ComTech contracts no longer spawn, but Frontier spawns. I'm not blaming your mod, because I might have messed something up with my heavily modded save, but is there anything your mod relies on externally to spawn these contracts besides the conditions? Everything seems to work on earlier saves. The failure point appears to be after I have progressed far enough into a career save.
  5. Would it be possible to add in a feature where the following happens: Complete a contract with this mod Satellite dies/malfunctions via some other mod like Kerbalism Mark satellite as derbies in tracking station This mod recognizes the bad satellite as lost and allows generation of new contracts to replace the lost satellite
  6. That is a good idea. In many of my moon missions in versions .12 and .13 were designed to scout out good landing areas. During that period, I took many screenshots so that I could remember those certain spots for the future. Identifying areas late via screenshots was sometimes difficult if I was not so careful in taking the picture during scouting. I did not think of this; but do like it.
  7. 1/30/12 Hello. Well I might as well first introduce myself being that this is the first time I\'ve spoken here. I\'m Walden95, a longtime lurker of this forum and player of this game since the mid/late-summer of 2011. Anyways, with the upcoming update including persistence and multi-ship support, I feel that sometime in the not so far off future will become a pretty big fork in terms of where the game will eventually be. I believe that I might as well add my own suggestions. 1/30/12 Weather in Kerbal Space Program should not just be visual; it should be functional. - Jet streams - Jet streams should vary in strength. (Depending on distance from star & exposure to it\'s rays) They should force weather to move around a planet, and when 2 opposing steams near close to each other, they should generate swirling motion that can turn into hurricanes over bodies of water. Just like the Giant Red Spot on Jupiter, I think a feature like this could provide unique planets with varying hazard levels. You wouldn\'t want to launch your rocket in the middle of a hurricane, and that hurricane might just force you to delay your mission in several other ways including returning back. - The first missions in a game, after initially figuring out how to orbit, should be to learn your surroundings. I believe that our satellites should each have their own piratical functions that each build up to the bigger idea of space exploration. At first, it might be a good idea to launch weather satellites that display more accurate information than crude land-based ones. Telescope probes scan the skies in orbit for possible asteroids, moons, planets and even star systems. A telescope stationed on the far side of the Mun might be better suited to finding new objects as the Mun blocks interference from Kerbol. There could also be warning systems placed into effect to track solar flares, but maybe this part seems a little ambitious. I\'m enjoying reading all of the developer updates and am very exited for what this game will bring in future. 4/5/12 With the release of version .14 and several addons, a lot has changed. I personally have the Comsat and Mechjeb Autopilot currently installed and am looking at the Powersat addon. In my world a network of Comsats is slowly developing and the issue of optimizing and managing an array of satellites is becoming more of an issue. After many days or months of in-game time, I\'m finding that everything in has to be readjusted. Although I find this realistic and something that I don\'t mind, I do think that better instrumentation to identify orbit angles, pitches, and height of apoptosis and periphrasis is needed. While the autopilot plugin I use does help fill the void, something better is needed. What we need is - An ability to accurately locate apoptosis or periphrasis when the two are within meters apart from each other - A multilayer map-view visual overlay that displays longitudes, latitudes, poles with lines extending beyond the planet, and direction of spinning. Something like the image included below. - An ability to display orbital inclination, or pitch - An ability to display distance between satellites in map-view - (additional non-related) An ability to lock a satellite\'s direction towards or away celestial bodies, like the home Kerbin or Mun, or other satellites so that ascetic communication dishes will always point in the desired direction. It might also be something useful for docking. Image
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