I've only used the 64bit version back when I was running so many mods my usage with it would go up to 6 gigs of ram. Today I'm a purist in a sense that I stick to mostly stockalike modding or simple gameplay enhancing mods, don't use part mods that much anymore. That said, when I found an issue with 64bit it could easily be fixed or addressed myself and I was fully aware it's not the mod's fault. I don't use 64bit now because I really don't need to(my mod list has shrunk significantly) and ATM does fine for the cloud pack I have. I think there needs to be an understanding between the two groups, because there are plenty of harmless 64bit users out there and putting that entire community in exile is completely insane. Do what you want and I highly respect the modders, but there needs to be some consensus where the two sides meet. 64bit users have the recognize the 64bit KSP is highly unstable and that bugs in the game are not due to mods but using a highly unstable version of the game. Then again, modders could recognize that some simply prefer to use it and without it, they would not be able to play the mods they create. Then again, it's up the modders and it's their mod's, if you don't want to serve anyone using 64bit that's up to you, cool. ah yes...you smell that...segregation