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Everything posted by lukethecoder64

  1. And just as good as they would above water. (I tested) I'm at a loss for words. Huh.
  2. I highly doubt that anyone has ever built a WORKING stock combustion engine. That would be cool.
  3. Banned for failing at making invisible text
  4. Only problem is that soap likes to explode.
  5. *squeal*Its here! I should probably close spotify to give the KSP download a faster download. Here... *Alt-tabs**Alt-F4s* There! *squeal*!
  6. The first thing I'm gonna build is an entire ore refinery (drills, converter, etc) that fits inside a 2.5m service bay.
  7. The proper question is: How much RAM do you have? I was able to build something over 7km before KSP crashed. (I had to hack gravity and enable unbreakable parts to prevent it exploding immediately.) It's so big it hit the hill behind KSC I EVA'd jeb just to push it around... (keep in mind that I have gravity hacked) But then It hit the runway (and then KSP crashed) So yeah. Pretty big.
  8. .......wow...... I'm speechless. Have some rep. Actually, my oculus DK2 is in the mail. I think I can get it working with KSP when it arrives, or at least soon after that. Idk about the glove.
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