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    Bottle Rocketeer

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  1. For the most part yeah  rbray and blackrack's work are both just really that impressive. But the sun flare and skybox are courtesy of Oinker from this post: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/107471-1-0-4-TextureReplacer-2-4-8-%2813-8-2015%29?p=2002681&viewfull=1#post2002681 , and Distant Object and PlanetShine are in the mix there as well. I also use Reshade for some slight color and contrast enhancement, as well as providing SMAA (its basically performance free, www.reshade.me).
  2. Thanks! Think that points to my solution then. No comparisons here but I have some decent shots of scatterer + EVE WIP here: If interested I can do some comparison shots by toggling scatterer on and off, but I presume EVE WIP would screw up a true comparison to vanilla.
  3. Thanks. Whatever is in settings.cfg when KSP starts is always loaded on the first launch of a vessel. It happens, inconsistently, when using Revert to Launch/VAB. I haven't seen a real pattern, but I'll try to run a session where I don't revert, and only use the Space Center button to get out of a flight. But I guess I wanted to see if you knew offhand if it would be creating a Settings.cfg in the file system using those init values if accessing the existing one fails?
  4. No that's in the code itself. It looks like the definition of the settings.cfg that is written. I guess it probably would have been helpful to show you exactly what is happening in terms of the config files, sorry about that! Here's the default one that I get with the Scatterer release and is used when it's loaded up on first install: Here's my settings.cfg I want to use (only change is skyAlpha): Here's the one that (I think) that List variable is defining and the code is inserting, or at any rate gets written to my Settings.cfg:
  5. First, love this mod Having a strange issue with the settings.cfg, though, where my config points keep getting reset/overwritten to 5000 and 15000. Looking [briefly] at your source, blackrack, it is this var (ln 193 in SkyNode.cs) that is being used somewhere to overwrite the settings.cfg file: Any idea why scatterer would be overwriting the settings.cfg with that list? Didn't try to take the time to debug it myself yet, wanted to see if it was isolated to me first as I get the feeling it is.
  6. Not really, but you can use old assets from say AVP or KSPRC, but you have to translate the texture's configuration to the new config format. On a somewhat related note, the skyboxes, planet textures from this post really enhance stock: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/107471-1-0-4-TextureReplacer-2-4-8-%2813-8-2015%29?p=2002681&viewfull=1#post2002681
  7. KSP looks so much better with EVE WIP though.. without it you lose the entire atmosphere a la: I must say I love this mod. It + scatterer never cease to impress me.. I must have hundreds of what amounts to the same screenshot.
  8. Hi all, New to the forum here, but felt I had to post as I've been using rbray's new EVE WIP and it wouldn't be right not to share some of these screenshots. Speaking of which, honestly, rbray, this (EVE) is some seriously impressive work. I've obviously encountered bugs but it in general it runs really well and looks really good. Though, I do wonder why the clouds are so dark in some images, as the color is set to 255 across the board, and the texture is fairly white. Shadows from atmosphere layers or something? or maybe storm clouds? Anyways, here you go. I started a new career for this and started to use FAR, so excuse the weak rocket! Mods active visually are: EVE WIP, Scatterer, PlanetShine, DistantObject, Collision FX, HotRockets/Smokescreen, and Reshade/SweetFX on top (to add vibrancy, SMAA, sharpening) https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B9Ap0XxYgQa8fmoteW16VWVaRGp4R3k3UnlSRlhaWW1JRmVDUVpaRnByVUhFYUczb0NmZms
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