Hi all, New to the forum here, but felt I had to post as I've been using rbray's new EVE WIP and it wouldn't be right not to share some of these screenshots. Speaking of which, honestly, rbray, this (EVE) is some seriously impressive work. I've obviously encountered bugs but it in general it runs really well and looks really good. Though, I do wonder why the clouds are so dark in some images, as the color is set to 255 across the board, and the texture is fairly white. Shadows from atmosphere layers or something? or maybe storm clouds? Anyways, here you go. I started a new career for this and started to use FAR, so excuse the weak rocket! Mods active visually are: EVE WIP, Scatterer, PlanetShine, DistantObject, Collision FX, HotRockets/Smokescreen, and Reshade/SweetFX on top (to add vibrancy, SMAA, sharpening) https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B9Ap0XxYgQa8fmoteW16VWVaRGp4R3k3UnlSRlhaWW1JRmVDUVpaRnByVUhFYUczb0NmZms