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Everything posted by zKrieg

  1. Apparently not everyone in this community is mature enough to handle differences in opinion. Hopefully you'll learn to respect other peoples opinions as much as you expect them to respect yours. You praise the game but than proceed to make excuses for the discrepancies. We call that hypocrisy. You can't have it both ways.
  2. The old "It works perfect for me, it should work perfect for everyone" debate holds no merit. I suggest you watch a watch a stream or two. Consider yourself one of the lucky ones. I'm not here to debate how well it works for you. I'm here to advocate for myself. Someone who has had a fair share of problems and still has faith the game will come to fruition.
  3. @AlamoVampire What I am hearing is shame on me for paying for a product and expecting it to work when you are heralding a fully released game but then proceed to call it a beta. Even you passively admitted KSP is buggy. I think you were correct when you stated it performs like a beta. Even with unmodded installs we experience CTDs, stutter, lost data, corrupted saves, top of the line systems experiencing FPS drops into single digits. The list goes on and on. I don't pretend to fully comprehend the details of producing a video game but I am capable of recognizing when a game isn't working as intended. I see Squads continuing support as a good faith effort to get the game working as they envisioned. I have not lost faith in them and sincerely appreciate their efforts but I think KSP should perform like any other polished game. That's all I ask. @Raptor9 Just because it works for you doesn't mean it works that way for everyone. Bugs don't always work that way. The evidence is on the forums, streams and even reddit.
  4. I'm hoping for stability and performance enhancements. IMO adding new features acts as a filler to hide the inherent problems that effect nearly every single person that plays KSP. In it's current state i cannot, in good conscience, recommend KSP to anyone. KSP recent releases are inexcusable due to the inherent problems that effect nearly every one of us. I see no point in releasing anything if it causes freezes and CTD's, performance issues, data loss and save corruption. IMO all recent updates were a waste of time. It's not fun having to restart a game that can take minutes to load and randomly crash on you within minutes. What we've ended up with is a community with a portion of it's population residing in the fact that this is as good as it's gonna get. No company should release any product with this many widely inherent issues that affect nearly every single person that plays. If this were any other industry we consumers wouldn't even consider purchasing a product that breaks this frequently on it's own. Internet goes out. You call your ISP and complain. If Your brand new tv, car or even a toaster broke as often as the KSP kraken rears it's ugly head than that product would be quickly boycotted. Not so in the gaming industry. Here we have double standards. Everything I've read states that performance enhancements with 1.1 will be minor. I exceed recommended specs. I don't want new features. I want a working product.
  5. Is it overkill for KSP? Sure, but now he can play any game on the market without having to check the specs and he will continue to have that privilege for quite some time. Aside from a possible gpu upgrade he won't have to spend another cent on a PC for a very long time. I custom built my current system almost eight years ago for $2500. For about five years I was playing everything on maximum settings with three monitors. I've since upgraded the gpu(s) and added an ssd and i'm playing loads of games on high settings still. I run almost thirty KSP mods and it loads faster than most people I watch streaming. It was a great fit for me because I spend all my free time on it. I am embarrassed to admit how much time a day I can spend on this thing but I've enjoyed literally thousands and thousands of hours of gaming and I consider it one of my best investments. @scribbleheli, If you want to spend money on a near top of the line system then go for it. It will last you a long time and that is a great investment for any gamer.
  6. Sorry I don't feel that answered my question. For clarification. If I only want the squad folder :
  7. I am a bit new to KSP and the install instructions for this mod aren't clear and don't describe where to install exactly. Due to numerous amount of configs included in the zip I wont be using: Should I extract the folder I want to /RealPlume/ or /RealPlume-Stock/?
  8. I have tried -force-d3d11 and experienced stutter and almost unreadable text in 100% of both stock and modded games. Every Unity game I have played has it's issues. No exceptions from my experience. Unity4 does not support DirectX 12. KSP should default to DirectX 9 which is why you experience it working perfectly.
  9. I am eager to use this mod but I am confused by the number of folders, extra mods, and duplicated files inside the zip. Any chance you could provide simplified installation instructions?
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