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    Curious George

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  1. KOS - love to have scripting nativity built in. I typically use this for probe/landing probe missions, much like landers for Mars.
  2. Why is my account set to this? "Your content will need to be approved by a moderator"

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. The Minmus Derp

      The Minmus Derp

      POWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH! Just don't break the rules, or your content will need to be moderated again.

    3. acidpaintball


      But what rule did i break?

    4. Vanamonde


      No rule breaking. Just a thing all new members go through. Screens out spambots. 

  3. CKAN 1.22.6 is crashing for me. windows 8.1 x64 fully patched via windows updates I tried on .NET 4.7 and just patched to .NET 4.7.1, with same results. CKAN finds that there are available updates I click "Apply changes" then apply. Then I get an .NET crash. The output is lager then this, but the forum wont let me post it. System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. at CKAN.Main._MarkModForUpdate(String identifier) at CKAN.Main.PostInstallMods(Object sender, RunWorkerCompletedEventArgs e) at System.ComponentModel.BackgroundWorker.OnRunWorkerCompleted(RunWorkerCompletedEventArgs e)
  4. 2nd post.. Ive tried everything that I know to get RemoteTech to work. Changing the 1 to 5 and patching everything to latest. So what is the trick if this planet pack now works with it? I used the in game hyper edit and found one station that will connect, but it is no place near KSC and close to the middle of the planet.
  5. Would I post here or remote tech's thread for a weird glitch? So when I have Galileo and Remote tech installed... I get zero connection, but if I run remote tech without Galileo it runs fine. Is there a trick on installing both?
  6. this is a neat mod, but it really hurts the performance of the game. Especially when it takes a snapshot for the left side of the big screen.
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