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Everything posted by SpaceplaneAddict

  1. Granted, you fail your education miserably and never pass collage. I wish to WishCeption Dman into believing that lawyers don't exist.
  2. Don't let Jeb add boosters. Don't let Valentina add more engines. Don't let Bill add parachutes. And don't let Bob add fuel.
  3. You have been fined 9999999999 funds for not stating your problem. Jeb stole all of the SRB fuel.
  4. I hurt your feelings, making you run away. My emotional hill.
  5. The Artemis 1 has landed, repeat, the Kanadian Space Agency has successfully landed a spacecraft into another celestial object WITHOUT crashing. As the rover it out of comm. range, our scientists tell us of a communication blockage, lasting up to 18 hours. The rovers first panorama will be taken then.
  6. 10/10. Just one thing though, can you make sure Kanada isn't dependent on anyone(for now)?
  7. -56. Who cares about percents? I'm all about MOAR numbers.
  8. Thatès AWESOME! Can I be in it?
  9. Heh, maybe. Video of the Artemis 1 is coming soon.
  10. My friend, do not be sure of this.
  11. Dang, I hate it when missions have to be launched without fairings.
  12. The Artemis 1 in dev: Also, not to be confused with the Kerbnese's Artimus.
  13. Meanie. Listen, we have plans. Infrastructure. For a mission to blow all of you away. It will be soonTM.
  14. We, the Kernadian Space Agency, have, at last, completed our most ambitious project. Behold! The Munar Recon Orbiter! As it orbits now, we are slowly generating a full map of the Mun, with more discoveries to come! The launch: The Probe in Low Mun Orbit:
  15. Target specific? I'll still probably enter, even if I can't get it right at the spot.
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