Hey Rune, I've been playing with all of your VSSTO's and they are great! I noticed that the Lackluster has no monoprop, is that deliberate or a mistake? Also it is way harder to get to orbit than the Heinlein! I have had a go at building my own VSSTO's, but to start I have used yours as a base. I'm having a bit of a problem with my VSSTO Mk3 (the one with the full mining kit) (grand plans to land on Tylo, refuel and take off again) I don't think I have the fuel routing quite right, as it goes into a flat spin at the same altitude every test flight, and if you leave it spinning around till it burns off the fuel, the engines shut down in a very weird order! I've tested it coming back in and it will do a perfect unpowered & no electricity landing, and I think it has enough dv to make orbit if it would just stop spinning! I'm a bit lost as to what i've done wrong. Could you PM me an email address that I could send the craft files to? Thanks, Kit