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Paranoid Shark

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Everything posted by Paranoid Shark

  1. Rune, Made it to orbit with my Mk3, however the fuel routing is still a bit messed up. I have to manually move fuel around to stop the yawing around. I have set it up with 9 spikes on the bottom, and then all the fuel running into the bottom tank so that all the engines have the same amount of fuel. The latest problem is that the top tank is supposed to drain into the port and starboard tanks, however even though I have it set up symmetrically it drains the starboard tanks whilst the top tanks still have fuel in them. Do I need to have a fuel line going through the cargo bay directly linking the top and bottom tanks? Still need to put some RCS control in it, but have successfully made it to orbit and back 3 times now!
  2. Hey Rune, I've been playing with all of your VSSTO's and they are great! I noticed that the Lackluster has no monoprop, is that deliberate or a mistake? Also it is way harder to get to orbit than the Heinlein! I have had a go at building my own VSSTO's, but to start I have used yours as a base. I'm having a bit of a problem with my VSSTO Mk3 (the one with the full mining kit) (grand plans to land on Tylo, refuel and take off again) I don't think I have the fuel routing quite right, as it goes into a flat spin at the same altitude every test flight, and if you leave it spinning around till it burns off the fuel, the engines shut down in a very weird order! I've tested it coming back in and it will do a perfect unpowered & no electricity landing, and I think it has enough dv to make orbit if it would just stop spinning! I'm a bit lost as to what i've done wrong. Could you PM me an email address that I could send the craft files to? Thanks, Kit
  3. Agh, so that's what happened. I pressed alt +f12 and then was holding alt and pressing other keys. Must have just been coincidence that it popped up when I pressed m a couple of times! Thanks for all the replies.
  4. Hey, Can't find it on any keybinding logs... Bring up Debug menu and then press Alt-M when looking at the KSC. Easy way to add Science/Rep/Money! Kit
  5. Hey, How do you feel about making some big wheels or tracks? I have a plan for a really big rover based out of 3.75m/mk3 parts, but the stock wheels just dont look big enough. Kit
  6. Hey, Did anyone work out a fix to get rid of the minmus missions and to get new contracts to spawn? I have been out of Sonnah's SOI, but have not orbited any other planets. Reputation is around 90%, have done manned landings and successful returns on Mun, Serran & Aptur. Thanks, Kit
  7. Hi, I'm having a problem with the contracts that are being offered to me. I have the New Horizons Planet pack installed. In my save file i have orbited Kerbin, Sonnah, The Mun, and Serran. DMagic has offered me the long term magnetic surveys of each which are currently running. The problem that i am having is that the only orbital survey that it is offering is of Minmus, which is now been relocated to be a moon of one of the other planets (not sure which, but it is a long way away). It seems like the mag surveys are set up correctly by giving you contracts for planets that you have either orbited or are the "next step". Can you fix the orbital survey contracts? Thanks Kit
  8. Hey, I have all the modules unpacked, the right way up and within a few meters of each other. However the problem i'm having now is that the corridors to join everything together are around 1000m away. It seems like you forgot to put docking ports on the bottom of them! I have tried putting a module on top of the rover and the docking with a corridor, and then driving it back to the other modules but that moves the COM and then makes the rover nearly impossible to handle! How did you get your minmus base together? Kit
  9. Ok, i'll try that, however I don't think there is reaction wheels in the utility modules. Havn't even tried it with the separatrons, i'm having enough trouble just with RCS. Is there somewhere else you could mount the Vernor? The version that I have has the spacer at the other end, next to the descent engines and only one drill. Is that still the current version?
  10. So, I have all the cradles on minmus, but I'm really struggling to get the modules out of them. The utility modules seem to always get stuck on the rcs engine at the bottom and won't wiggle out when I try to take the cradle off by pressing "I". Whatever I do always results in the modules being flung over the surface and breaking something or landing upside down. Do you have any hints... I'm getting a bit frustrated! Kit
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