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Everything posted by Spacetraindriver

  1. Crap, and I was just about to change it to something reasonable. Cept mines is a steam-electric-rover-offtrack 4000 class, could probs use solar panels to recharge it up quick n easy.
  2. I was more concerned about the Akron fitting into the Lexington! It's just my silly fantasy, I imagine some sort of extension to the hangar and docking bay, but idk how to fix the weight. Here's me (based on my interests [of course ] as a Kerbal I guess, A train driving, plane flying, engineering, drawing, Kerbal. If it isn't a hassle I suppose a 'challenge' of sorts. Considering we are in the KSP fourms, I propose participants in this thread to draw themselves as Kerbal, just a suggestion, y'know, you don't have to,...just a idea... (Though @Kokoro seems to have it covered already!)
  3. It appears Egale Rock (where I live...) has suffered a power outage...send help plz (Turned off traffic lights)
  4. I used too, then my phone broke Its really just make a ship and grind the level it does decently at until you can upgrade. I recommend the 1 v 1 battles over scenarios. Don't make new ones, just constantly develop your ship. Thats all I remember and/or know... good luck!
  5. I remember launching a model rocket once a long time ago, never saw it fall down, so I assume its currently at Low Earth Orbit right now.
  6. The USS Akron takes on new aircraft and supplies from fellow non-flying aircraft carrier, USS Lexington. Currently a SBD Dauntless is being loaded on board, with a Wildcat on the deck. [1941, Alternate Historical]
  7. My favorite is Earth because without it nothing we know or ourselves would exist! *Including the concepts of planets and their names
  8. Because its a noodle soup..? Waiter! The British are coming...in my soup!
  9. No No-one expects the nobody mwahahahaha...*cries* Idk who does this anymore so good ol buddy... ... @munlander1?
  10. Ahem, my (albeit wrecked) property is still on the hill, would appreciate it if I could have my multi thousand dollar train back...
  11. Tarkin is mean. He doesn't talk to me even though I put him in control of the most powerful fleet in the Galaxy, unless it's to berate me for not doing orders he didn't tell me to do. Why can't he be more like Piet or Veers?
  12. You don't say? I remember when it was released everyone was screaming it was too OP. Just wait for a Floats event! What do ye reckon I should paint on it next?
  13. ... My name and thread is there so my... Thing...?
  14. I was just wondering, has anyone made any custom camouflages? Some of my work...
  15. Mercury rockets for pressure research.
  16. Buy that limits it to the confines of only what I could build in KSP! A PRR T1 overtakes a express GG1 numbered 4895, despite being on lower priority service. Yes, I forgot the number on the T1. Usually perspective plus curves equal dead me, but my brain wouldn't let me draw these amazing locomotives wrong. (Referring to the actual locomotives not the drawings, also slightly edited for ye convince, also is a different camera then I used before...)
  17. Did you hear about the pirate who sailed through the entire British Royal Navy just to click this thread? He had cannon balls.
  18. Pardon me? Waiter, theres appears to be a spork in my soup. I prefer not stabbing my tongue while slurping soup.
  19. I dig up the hill and relocate it. Your misplaced large pile of dirt.
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