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Everything posted by Brainpop14

  1. Awesome Bob! And as usual I have recommendations for 1970 Here's a list, with the first that they had. Venera 7 - First probe to land successfully on the surface of Venus. Soyuz 9 - Set a new endurance record of 18 days in space. Apollo 13 - For obvious reasons. Too iconic to not do. Luna 16 - First probe to land on the Moon, scoop up soil and return it to Earth automatically. I realize that some of these are obvious, but I couldn't find very many interesting missions, anyway good luck to you. And this series is amazing! Keep up the good work!
  2. Yup Bob has stated before that if you want to mention a mission, you should do it 2 episodes in advance. What I'm saying is that once he has an episode of Alexandria uploaded the next episode is already planned out and filming has started. So, we can petition for 1969 missions now. And once he uploads 1968, we can petition for 1970 missions.
  3. Sounds exciting for 1969 I would recommend that you do Apollo 10, Apollo 11 (Of Course), and Mariner 6 and 7 at least. You can probably do Apollo 12 as well. I would definitely do those 2 Mariner missions though. For 2 reasons. First, you haven't shown a Mars Mission in a while, second, that was the first time that 2 interplanetary missions were launched in the same launch window.
  4. I'm a little unsure myself Bob. If I were you I would definitely do Apollo 5, Apollo 7, Soyuz 3, and Apollo 8 though!
  5. For 1969 I would recommend that you do Apollo 8, Apollo 10, Apollo 11, Apollo 12, and Mariner 6 and 7. You can do more if you want, but I would really like to see those Mariner Missions, those were the first spacecraft that were launched to Mars in the same launch window.
  6. In that case, I would recommend that you do Soyuz 3, Apollo 6, Apollo 7, and Apollo 8 at least. You can do more if you want.
  7. Maybe so, but this one had gotten farther than any Soviet Venus mission so far. If I'm following your series correctly it seems like the Soviets lost contact with all the Missions that they attempted to send to Venus so far. But as far as I can tell they managed to maintain contact with Venera 4 all the way to the attempted landing.
  8. I know I will Bob! I also wonder if you can do Venera 4. It was the first attempted landing on Venus. Although I won't be too disappointed if you don't, the landing craft was crushed by the atmospheric pressure before it could reach the surface.
  9. You and me both man! I also hope he can do Venera 4. That was the first attempted landing on Venus. Although the lander was crushed by the atmospheric pressure before it could land.
  10. Is this compatible with KSP 1.0.5?
  11. Awesome sauce Bob! I learned more than I thought I would! And as usual I have some tips for the next episode. I think you should do Soyuz 1, Apollo 1, Apollo 4, and Apollo 5 at least. You can come up with more missions if you want. These are just some ideas. Anyway, good luck man! And thanks again for the newest episode! I learned a lot, and I hope to continue learning in these videos!
  12. Gemini VIII had the first docking, Luna 9 was the very first successful probe landing on the Moon, Gemini X was the first flight beyond LEO, Venera 4 was the first ever Venus probe that Earth didn't lose contact with, although the lander was crushed before it could land, Gemini XII was the first perfection of EVA and it was the final Gemini mission, and Luna 10 was the very first probe to orbit the Moon.
  13. Well done Bob! I learned a lot more than I thought I would. I have some tips for the next episode. I would recommend that you do Gemini VIII, Luna 9, Gemini X, Venera 4, Gemini XII, and Luna 10.
  14. [quote name='Felbourn']Worked on a new launch pad (the one at the bottom) visible in front of Missile Row Click image for higher resolution [URL]http://i.imgur.com/q6XsNWb.png[/URL][/QUOTE] Uh LC-37 didn't quite look like that. Here's a link to a model of what it really looked like. [URL]https://3dwarehouse.sketchup.com/model.html?id=c15441d2ff8a418d7f094660e4a29291[/URL] Here's a map of it. [IMG]https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/7/72/LC-37.jpg[/IMG]
  15. Can you add more versions of the Atlas engines? The Booster engines and sustainer engine? That way people can make accurate replicas of all the early Atlas Rockets. From the ICBM to the Atlas II. I tried using the standard engines that come with this mod on a correctly scaled Atlas II and it was too heavy. There was only a .69 TWR ratio. I would like to see more powerful Atlas engines so I could replicate those rockets. Could you please do this for me?
  16. Can you update the Soviet Probes Pack to include the Venera Spacecraft series?
  17. I really want the Prometheus Solar Rover! But there's no working download link! If anybody has it, could you please re-post it? Thanks!
  18. If you're having a hard time finding time. I totally get you. I have a suggestion. I always have some free time. Now it doesn't just happen usually. Whenever I can't find time I make free time. The main problems I have is node attachment problems, and some of your mods, like the MER replicas don't have a working download link.
  19. OK how about Gemini 4, Voskhod 2, Gemini 7 and 6A, and catch up on Mariner 4.
  20. How close is the next episode to being ready? I have a few tips. Maybe you should divide 1965 into two parts. There were a lot of significant missions in that year. Way more than five. I think that in the first half you should cover Gemini 3 and 4, Voskhod 2, and talk about the Venera Program. In the second half you should cover Gemini 5 and 7 and 6A, and then catch up on Mariner 4.
  21. Awesome! I'm so excited! I'm excited to learn about the Gemini Project, Mariner 4, and that other Saturn 1 launch! What will you do for a fourth launch?
  22. Can you add an ability to tweak the power of an engine? Because, I use the FASA Pack and The Atlas Engines that come with it don't work when I try to replicate heavier Atlas Rockets. So, can you please add a feature to teak the power of an engine?
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